Friday, March 03, 2006

It's Too Late For Us, Save Yourselves!

I had my alarm set last night for 4, 5, and 6 so I could get up and check Quinn's temperature. The Motrin (in theory) would have left his system around 5 AM, so I wanted to make sure he wasn't hitting that 104 temperature again (that scared the crap out of me last night). Ginger was getting up through the night too and checking on Catherine. Unfortunately around 6 Ginger noticed Cattherine was running a fever now also.

The good news is the anti-biotics that Quinn is taking have really helped him, to the point where he's not even running a fever without the Motrin. The bad news now is that it appears Catherine probably has caught something from Quinn (the doctor did warn us that Strep Throat is highly contagious). Also, the Motrin doesn't seem to be helping Catherine as much as it did Quinn, since she's still running a temperature even with the Motrin. I believe it's between 101 and 102 with Motrin, and higher without Motrin. I still don't feel 100%, so I didn't go into work until lunch. Ginger called and schedule yet another doctor appointment to have Catherine checked today. That's 3 times this week so far for people keeping track, an Catherine has her three year well visit next week (not that she'll be well), we're apparently doing our best to maximize our medical reimbursement from work this year. The doctor couldn't find the strep virus in Catherine, but also told us that it may be too early for it to show up, so they're doing an overnight culture and they'll let us know the results tomorrow.

Other than that, not much to report. Ginger made a special dinner of fajitas for me tonight. And the kids had no nap today due to the doctor visit, so they went to bed early.

I have no content today again other than text (and I'll admit, it's usually a lot of text, I am known as the Tolstoy of the blogosphere). So I'll throw up another old video. Problem is, I can't even begin to make the case that this one somehow relates to stuff going on currently. It's Quinn on his first Halloween when he was independently mobile (so Oct 2002 time frame).

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