Ginger Replaces Basement Carpet, Keeps Drapes
I had way more fun writing the title for this entry than I should have. Of course, I'm probably the only one that will find it humorous.
Today was the basement carpet installation day. Since we've been burned once before with contractors in the house unsupervised, we decided this time that someone would be here at all times. That meant I got to take the kids to school and pick them up today so that Ginger could be here to supervise. Since these are contractors to a reputable store (Lowe's) and not some cheap fly by night contractors, I sort of doubt there would have been any issues even had we left them unsupervised.
We're having all the carpet in the basement replaced, because it has the faint aroma of cat urine in a couple places. It's had that smell ever since we moved in and because we have cats, it hasn't gotten better (it was the worst in a couple nooks and crannies). Based on how much had been done at lunch (which is when I took these photos), I really didn't think there was any way these guys were going to finish today. Amazingly they did finish, but they were here till almost 10 doing it (during which time we had no internet connection). The trick is now going to be to keep the majority of the basement blocked off from the cats.
Today Grammy also arrived for a visit. Ginger said I needed to point out that Grammy is up for a visit and they didn't go out to lunch. I countered with that's only because Ginger needed to be here to supervise the carpet installation. Somehow I think paying for lunch wouldn't set us back quite as much as the carpet is going to end up costing us when all is said and done. Since I was home for lunch I tried snapping a couple of pictures of the kids as they were playing waiting for their lunch to be fixed. Catherine was playing with some of her ballerina toys, and Quinn was showing me the car that won the NASCAR race he watched the other day.
Quinn was too excited with everything going on to actually nap (what with the carpet installation in the basement and Grammy being up). We tried to get him to go to bed early (you could tell at dinner he was exhausted). But even though we put him to bed at 7:30, he managed to stay awake and not go to sleep till after 8:30. He should be a ton of fun tomorrow. As much as I didn't like last night moving everything into my office for the carpet installation, I'm liking tonight of moving it back even less. Therefore, I've done as I normally do and put off moving things back, so my office is still completely cluttered (okay, okay, it's cluttered a lot more than normal).
No TV viewing tonight really (ok, I may have watched a couple Colbert Reports and a Daily Show interview, but nothing else). And now for your viewing pleasure a video of the kids from last night doing the "Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes" song.
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