Thursday, June 07, 2007


Quinn had a minor mishap today. Seems he decided to jump off the swing before the swing had come to a complete stop. He got a bit scraped up on his face and elbow, but otherwise he's fine. Of course Ginger called me at work to tell me about it and immediately started in on the whole "where do you suppose he got the idea to jump off a swing" thing. I happen to know that while I've done it front of him a couple times, I've seen him see the kids at school do it also, so I don't think this one can really be pinned on me (at least not all of it). When I asked him about it and how it happened, I was told that he was swinging really high and that Catherine told him to jump off, so he did. And then he told me landed on his stomach and scratched up his face. He then proceeded to inform me how it was Catherine's fault that he got hurt because (and I'm not making this up) she made him jump off the swing. I couldn't help but smile a bit at this, and he just kept on going about "How she really really did."

He would have to go and do this right before his big acting debut tomorrow night in the opera the school is performing. Now the talent scouts in the audience might pass over him because his pretty boy looks have been damaged. So much for me living the life of luxury while Quinn brings in the big bucks with his acting career. We've received notice that we're not allowed to take pictures or take video during the opera itself, but they'll put out a DVD that we have to pay $30 or $40 if we want to see the performance. Seems like a that's a racket to me. Catherine's ballet recital is going to be the same way. No pictures or video and they'll sell you a DVD of the performance. What a ripoff. Doesn't mean we won't be there purchasing one of both of them though.

Grammy came up today so that she'll be here for the opera tomorrow night. And while Grammy was up she helped Ginger sow some new curtains for the dining room. I only got one in the picture, but there's another one that looks like this one on the other side of the window. I forgot to ask if they went out to eat for lunch, but I think Grammy might have gotten here sometime after lunch. I should add though that we did eat dinner at home tonight. So maybe that whole Grammy's here let's eat out trend has gone the way white leisure suits.

Yet another flower picture. I keep hoping to recapture the magic in the flower photo from last week, but no such luck.


gaz said...

with regard to the flower pics - try getting in closer.

We've received notice that we're not allowed to take pictures or take video

they do the same at our boys' school - stating that you can't video or take pictures. the thing is, you can, and people do. over here there is no law prohibiting the taking of pictures and video in public, all they can do is 'request' that you refrain from doing so. and you're right about the cost, it's extortionate. we all know how much it costs to make a few copies of a dvd on the fly. a freind of mine recently went to her sons graduation and they were forbidden to record it in any way - then they were told they could buy it for only £30. i suppose this is just another way for the school/university to make some fast cash.

Buddy Tignor said...

Ouch !! for Quinn

and Ouch for paying for video of your own kids...especially when you and Ginger donate so much time already