Vice, Miami Style
So I got Miami Vice through Netflix and watched that on Thursday night. I can already hear you asking, why would you do that? How could you possibly think that was going to be good. And yea, you're right, I made a really bad call. But I used to really like the old Miami Vice show a lot back in the day. Now I don't know what happened, but this movie doesn't feel like a big screen movie. Sure, it has some name recognition actors in the lead roles, but it just doesn't feel epic enough in scope to warrant a movie. It really feels like a long TV show or made for TV movie. That's where I think the plot puts it anyway. Now I did watch the extended version, so maybe the movie moves along at a better pace if it's not two hours and twenty minutes. Maybe it's because I used to watch the TV show, but seeing Sonny fall for the bad girl in the show doesn't seem like a new twist. And speaking of Crockett, Farrell plays the part a lot more moody than I remember Johnson being back in the day. And Ferrell's mustache is so overpowering in scenes that it feels like it should have gotten separate billing and been listed as a member of the cast. Foxx turns in a passable performance as Tubbs, but really brings nothing special to the role other than delivering his lines looking like he's constipated. To be honest, there was basically nothing in this movie that made it Miami Vice other than shoe horning in the names of the characters. All in all, I wasn't overly impressed with the movie.
So why did I even bother watching it you ask? As I said, I used to like Miami Vice way back in the day. Yep, I believe this is the very definition of Fashion Disaster. On the positive side since this is going up over a weekend, that means most people won't see it.
That outfit may land you on a watch list. Or perhaps a "no-watch" list.
I really can't believe you posted that photo :)
I am NOT a Miami Vice FAN, but who can't love the mood and style that the show infused EVERYWHERE when it was on. I haven't seen this movie, but I've seen clips, and I just don't see the point of the movie. The movie seems to have taken all the "Miami Vice-ness" out of Miami Vice.
sony and james - separated at birth!
As I was reading the post I was already composing in my head a comment that would insist upon you posting a picture of you in that horribly dated Miami-Vice look of yours I remember from my Freshman year...and then I scrolled down and the wind was taken out of my sails.
Ah, the mistakes of youth...
Bullbunky: The movie seems to have taken all the "Miami Vice-ness" out of Miami Vice.
Yea, that's what I was trying to get across, that there was nothing left about Miami Vice in this movie. They basically took the framework of Miami Vice, then transplanted it into this international drug bust movie. I mean in the TV show you had gratuitous beach shots, interesting locales, etc. Most of the movie takes place with them undercover in the Bahamas. I mean, how can you have a Miami Vice movie and only a small percentage of the movie occurs in Miami?
Wow you look more 80's in that photo than most of the folks I remember from 20 years-ago...
you must of had it going on...
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