Sunday, June 03, 2007

I Am The Weakest Link

Ginger had to help with some annual nursery cleaning thing after church, so I had both them until she got home around 3:30. And it was raining today, so playing outside wasn't an option. First though we had to get through lunch, which took close to two hours all by itself. I don't know what the deal is with the kids not wanting to actually eat when they're at the table, but this is crazy. I finally had to bribe them to get them to actually finish. I told Quinn he could play some video games and I told Catherine she could watch 1 TV show. That seemed to do the trick initially, but then they stalled and it still felt like it took forever for them to finish.

After the video games and the television show, the kids found other activities to entertain them. Catherine played with playdough and Quinn put together some small foam cars he had gotten earlier. Quinn also played with Catherine at the playdough table for a bit while he was waiting on the glitter glue he used on the foam cars to dry.

I don't know why, but this bugs me to no end. We have playdough in a huge container with red, yellow and blue in it. And when the colors get all mixed up it drives me nuts. I really don't understand why it bothers me so much, but it does. And Catherine just mixes and mixes the colors (if I didn't know better, I would think she knows how much it bothers me). Check the first picture today and notice the huge wad of purple playdough on the little table? Yea, that's all that's left of the red and blue. And from the looks of things the yellow won't escape much longer.

Once Ginger got home there wasn't much time left before I had to leave to be at the school to help setup the stage for the opera the extended day kids are putting on next week. Ginger volunteered me for this task. I foolishly showed up thinking it would be about an hour of moving some stuff around. Then I walked in and all the other guys had power tools. I pretty much knew I was in trouble at that point. Yea, so when they said 'setup' what they actually meant was build an entire set. I wish I had taken my camera to get pictures of it during construction and then when it was finished (I may get a chance next week to get a picture when I drop off Quinn at school). So I ended up being there for three hours. I was definitely the weakest link of the lot of us and if there was a vote I'm pretty sure I would have been the first one off the island. I ended up with lots of the moving stuff around tasks. Move that grand piano over there, move this frame, hold it here while we drill, rearrange the stage pieces. Fun stuff. I was sweating like a pig through most of the work. Luckily one of the guys was a professional contractor and had brought his work tools. He was without a doubt the most competent and fastest guy there. Without him it would have taken significantly longer. And I hear Ginger also volunteered me to help tear the set down after the performance this coming Friday. More fun.


Curt Sawyer said...

And I hear Ginger also volunteered me to help tear the set down after the performance this coming Friday.

It is always easier to destroy than to create...

BullBunky said...

I love mixing playdoh don't invite ME over to play :)