Sunday, April 27, 2008

Precursor To May Flowers

In what's getting to be a recurring theme Quinn simply insisted that he be able to go out and ride his bike. I have no idea how long this new found love of bike riding will last, but losing the training wheels has definitely reinvigorated his desire to ride his bike. Since most of the other shots of him biking have seemed a bit bland I tried to do a panning shot while he was whizzing by. I suspect it would have turned out a bit better had there been some distinct objects in the background to blur versus just a bunch of grass.

While Ginger was fixing lunch I told Quinn that we could bike down the street a ways and then come back. And then Catherine decided she wanted to go too. Since I can't very well tell her no, we spent a little time reattaching her training wheels since at this point she's simply not ready for that kind of trip without them. I put them back on higher than they had been before though and this caused a lot of problems and complaining on her part. Since they were higher she actually has to work at balancing the bike now whereas before I don't think she was actively working on doing that (probably one of the reasons she's having some difficulty once the they got removed). Watching her ride I can see her just lean over to one side at times, and now that the training wheels are higher that causes her to tilt pretty far over which causes her to have trouble. I still think everything would have been fine, but as we were riding down a slight incline on the sidewalk Catherine got in front of Quinn, and she was breaking every couple of feet. This cause Quinn to end up wiping out at one point (that's actually the first real wipe out he's had since removing the training wheels). Since we were a ways from the house, I was worried at one point when he said he couldn't move his foot, but luckily he got over it pretty quick and was able to ride back since I didn't know how I would have gotten all three bikes back to the house otherwise. Moral of the lesson was to make sure Quinn's in front. Although this causes Catherine to complain that he's so far ahead, so apparently I just can't win. And no, I haven't gotten a chance to extract the bike riding video from yesterday yet.

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