Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Ginger and I recently watched the first season of Damages. Unlike everyone else that apparently was watching it on FX when it was on the air we ended up catching it on DVD through Netflix. The show is basically a mystery told through extended flashbacks with the show catching to the present at the end. It's a good show that is made better by the fact that have a fair amount of star power in the cast. And it's not just the fact that they have star power, but the acting ability of the stars in the show is higher than what you would typically find on television these days. I thought Ted Danson did a fantastic job portraying a corporate CEO. Ironically enough the main character (Ellen) is probably one of the weaker actors on the show (aside from "random person in law firm" that gets a line every so often). One of the reasons I liked the show was because even though I can typically tell where a plot is going early on this one kept me guessing for most of the show. I think Ginger liked the show, but one thing she had trouble getting past was she thought they based Ted Danson's character's situation too much on Worldcom's Bernie Ebbers, and for her that wound is still a bit raw. I do think the show went a tad overboard on trying to end every episode with a new shocking revealing twist though. Not sure if that tactic would have worked if the show had been a full 20+ episode season versus the shortened 13 episode season they did. But the shortened season was another thing I liked about it since they packed all 13 episodes on just 3 DVDs and we were able to watch the whole season in a couple weeks.

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