Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Woods Are Lovely, Dark, And Deep...

Ahhh, daylights savings time. Or as I like to call it, the time when the kids wake me up even earlier than usual. We noticed this morning that Catherine's nose was running, and it wasn't clear either, so we decided she wouldn't be going to church. So Quinn and I went, but if you'll remember, we only have the one car, and Ginger needed access to it, so she had to drive us to church and then come back and pick us up after it was over. I know that I must sound like the typical spoiled over-indulged American at this point complaining about the inconvenience of only having one car that works. Seriously, just writing this it makes me wonder when I crossed over to being that person. Even so, I'm not sure how people made do with only one car (my guess is it's easier if you live relatively near everything to need the car to access).

After church we picked up some lunch and came home and had a picnic in the front yard. I even broke out the tent. The weather was nice and cooperative for this time of year, so the tent was toasty and warm inside. And before you think we were letting Catherine be outside when she was sick, that runny nose of her's cleared up before they had come to pick us up from church.

When the kids were playing afterwards, Catherine took out one of the exercise rings and held it over her head and told me that she was an angel. I thought that was really cute (and that's what's she doing in that picture since you would probably be wondering had I not explained it).

Then we all went on a nature hike through the woods again, although we didn't venture as deep into the woods as we did last week when Will was up. The kids love walking through the woods, and even have their walking sticks. I'm really not sure where they picked up the idea of using a walking stick since I don't recall ever doing that since I'm usually toting the camera along.

When we finally made it back inside it seemed much much later than it really was (and this wasn't helped by the whole daylights savings time). So we played inside for a bit (I zoned out and fell asleep on the couch for a while) and then for dinner I fired up the grill (literally as you now know) and cooked some chicken.


Scott said...

Kudos for the Frost quote...

Cordell said...

I think they got the walking sticks when we used one to pick up trash out of the creek last week...