Saturday, September 23, 2006

To The Park!

This morning, Ginger and I were in the, uh, I have no idea what that room is called. A sitting room? You have to walk through this room from the hallway in order to get to our bedroom. Anyway, whatever the name of the room is, Ginger and I were in there. Quinn was in the hallway, and we could hear him yelling to Catherine over the balcony. We hear "Catherine! Catherine! Look at me!" Then two seconds later we hear Catherine start crying. We walk into the hallway to find that Quinn took a ball (I think it was one from a paddle ball set) and threw it to Catherine. Catherine didn't know he was going to throw a ball, so she didn't even try and catch it, and it hit her right near the eye. As we walked into the hallway Quinn was already apologizing (guess he's learned enough to know when he's going to get in trouble for something). One the one hand, you have to be upset with him since he should know better than to throw a ball over the balcony (aside from the fact there's an explicit rule about not throwing balls in the house, there's another one that says you shouldn't throw things over the balcony). But on the other hand, from that far away, that was a really nice shot. At first we thought Catherine was going to have a shiner from the incident, but after some time with an icepack, the swelling went down a lot and you could just barely see it at the end of the day.

Today we had Ken and Amanda come over to visit. Karen was off in West Virginia or something, so Ken had kid duty all day. After the kids played at our place for a while, we headed out to a local park. I was foolish and thought it was going to be cold like the past couple of days, and wore a long sleeve shirt and long pants. Man, that was a mistake, even though the sun wasn't out, I was dying. And Quinn trying to make me run all over the place wasn't helping any.

Because Quinn insisted on monopolizing almost all of my time, I didn't get any good pictures of Catherine today. Since we were at the park, and it hadn't rained, and there wasn't anyone else on it, Quinn insisted on playing Baseball on the real baseball field. At first he insisted he was going to pitch from the pitchers mound. But after about 5 throws where it landed a good 15 fifteen feet in front of home plate, he moved up some.

Of course, he still hasn't gotten over his competitive streak, or the ability to process the emotions that come with not winning all the time. He still has a tendency to get really upset and cry if he doesn't win, so if I smack a ball out of the infield he's already crying as he running to get it. I'm sure part of that has to do with him being a bit more tired than usual since he's doing extended day at school now (which means no more napping during the week). So just in case he wasn't tired enough, whenever he got a hit I would have him run around the bases.

For lunch we all headed out to Ledo's Pizza, and then after that we said goodbye to Amanda and headed home to have the kids nap. Quinn was down for under an hour before he got back up again. Once he got up we played some cards. Evidently Ginger's been teaching him some card games. So we played Crazy Eights. He asked me if I knew why it was called Crazy Eights, and after I told him no he told me "Because the eights are craaaaazy." (and there was a voice infliction on the crazy also, it was pretty amusing). He still needs to work on strategy. Like when he picks up his hand, he'll start doing this evil scientist laugh if he has any eights and then in case you didn't get it, he'll follow it up with "Guess what I got?". He also tends to play his eights sometimes when he doesn't need to. And worse, there for a while when he used an eight he would call a suit that he didn't have, then get upset when he would have to draw on his next turn (I think I managed to teach him to at least look at his hand and pick a suit that he has).

Once we finished playing cards, he decided he wanted to go back to the park and play soccer. So off we went. I had changed into shorts and t-shirt, so it was much more enjoyable for me, but it was still really humid out and just overall icky. I'm not sure how Quinn ran around as much as he did. And I made him run the full length of the soccer field multiple times (he should be good and tired tonight).

And finally some random photos I took as we were getting ready to leave the park. It's a shame that the butterfly has had part of his wing destroyed.


BullBunky said...

Hmmmm, where did a son of yours get a competitive gene? Hmmmm. Where-o-where? Anyone for a friendly game of Hearts :)

JamesF said...

Bah, I never cared that much about winning. You're making that up. :-)

And for the record, I haven't played Hearts in a long long time.

Curt Sawyer said...

Bah, I never cared that much about winning

