Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Last Day Before School Starts

So the kids go back to school tomorrow. They start a day later than all the public schools I guess. I had wanted to take today off, but there was a proposal we submitted at work that came back with questions and I ended up having to provide a lot of input (and it had to be done today of course). That by itself wouldn't have been a big deal since I finished that up just after one, but then once I got back to my desk someone else had scheduled another meeting for three thirty that was suppose to last half an hour but turned into a mini marathon meeting lasting almost an hour and a half.

Not that much exciting happened once I got home. The kids evidently got some new toys today (because we all know, they don't have enough yet). Catherine got another of the mini pvc princesses (it was Sleeping Beauty). Quinn got yet another large NASCAR (a different version of the 99 car he already had). And they bought some new game which the whole family ended up playing after dinner.

In other news, it appears that because of the three day weekend the Strangers blog was the top "Blog of Note" for a full three days. Which substantially increased the hits to that site. The hit counter on the page says 36 thousand last time I checked, but Buddy is the keeper of the stats, so I don't know if that's page hits or unique hits, but I would guess unique hits. Which I suppose means that means around 35 thousand people viewed the Strangers blog over the weekend (although I seriously doubt it was 35 thousand different people, more likely it was just 35 people that were just really bored hitting refresh a bunch). My guess is that's as close as I'm going to get to my fifteen minutes of fame, riding coattails on a team photo blog. The thing that was amusing about the whole situation was the sheer number of people that would leave comments for the sole purpose of promoting their own blog (I'm not including you in that category Scott). UPDATED: Scott pointed me to the cluster map, which is only showing around 24k hits, so that makes me think the 35k above is just page hits. So the unique hits are probably significantly less (maybe only around 15k). Perhaps Buddy will enlighten us with the actual numbers.

Since I've noticed lately I've posted more than a few Quinn pics, tonight I'll just post some of Catherine. She was being really playful tonight (anything to stall actually going to bed). Although I think based on the last photo she eventually had enough of the picture taking.


Anonymous said...

Hi James
the pictures of your daughter are sooo nice! She is so pretty! How old is she? I'm a mother too (Italian) of two children, Sofia 3 years and Leonardo 1 year old.

Good luck for the beginning of school

PS by the way, I got on your blog thanks to "Blog of Note"

Scott said...

Your daughter is such a poser! (I mean that in a good way... what a photogenic kid!) Even when she's frustrated, she's cute!

Scott said...

What's amazing to me about the Strangers blog is how the clustermap filled out in the few days. It's amazing!

I mean, you've got hits from mainland China and Kenya. Kenya, for pete's sake!

JamesF said...

Looking at the cluster map graph, it only shows about ~24k hits. So I'm thinking that 36k showing on the main strangers page must be page views. So it's not nearly as impressive as I thought.

BullBunky said...

African tribes are dialing up to see our photos of people on the street. Who knew :)