Sunday, September 03, 2006

Where's My Helmet

Today started with Quinn waking and putting on his new football helmet. Evidently he really likes it. Then he wanted his 'uniform', which is dirty and needs to be washed. He even tried to convince us it was okay to wear it even though it was dirty. Then he tried to tell us he would be wearing his new football helmet to church. He was very disappointed when he found out that wasn't going to happen. I went ahead and broke the bad news that he wasn't going to be able to wear the helmet to school next week either.

Since Nana is up, Quinn got up pretty early, so he was tired for a lot of the day. Which means this morning was especially tough because he was more than a little cranky. Not too long after lunch, we had the kids take a nap. I think he slept for maybe 30 minutes before he got up, then I took him and Nana over to a park (Catherine was still napping, and was going to need to soak her toe once she got up, so she wouldn't have been able to go anyway). We were going to play on the softball field at the park, but the ground was still too damp, so we ended up playing in the playground area. Quinn never even once got onto the equipment in the area, but rather spent the entire time playing baseball and football. I take that back, he never got on the equipment just to play on it. He did get on the equipment once when we was running around with the football. Then he was climbing the equipment (football still in hand) since that's obviously what he needed to do to score a touchdown.

Sadly I didn't get any pictures, I had my camera, but somehow had left my memory card at home. So I snagged a couple of pictures Nana took with her camera. I feel I need to at least explain that when I was forced to 'be the whacker' (that would be the batter to everyone else) Quinn at insisted I wear his batting helmet, which is a tad small on me.


mattfite said...

you do look professional in that helmet.

Unknown said...

The helmet almost looks photoshopped on. I assume by pushing the Redskins on Quinn you are teaching him that money can't buy happiness?

JamesF said...

I assume by pushing the Redskins on Quinn you are teaching him that money can't buy happiness?

I'm going assume that was setup for a dig at the poor performance of the team, but to clarify, I'm not the one doing the pushing. That was Nana that bought the outfit and helmet for him.

I take it from your comment the Skins aren't doing so well?

Okay, I just looked and it appears they've lost all their preseason games. But that's only preseason.

Unknown said...

Not only their poor performance, but that their owner throws money around like its nothing and he has no trophies to show for it.

Plus these guys are Redskin fans: