Thursday, September 07, 2006

Pre-Race Track Visit

Quinn is off to Richmond. Apparently there's a Busch Race tomorrow, and his grandparents will be taking him to see it. He stopped by the Office Depot in Richmond today where Carl Edwards and the '99' car were making an appearance (they're sponsored by Office Depot) and when we talked to him on the phone tonight we already got to hear all about how it.

Unfortunately since Ginger took the kids halfway to Richmond today to deliver Quinn, that meant Catherine didn't get her nap. So Catherine ended up going to bed early tonight and I didn't get to see her that much. We'll have to try and do something special for her tomorrow.

So with Catherine asleep early and some time for just the two of us here, Ginger and I got busy watching our new favorite TV show Veronica Mars. We finally succumbed to all the hype and bought the first season on DVD (it's only $20 at Wal-Mart right now, so that's less than $1 an episode). And I have to admit, it's a really good show. Sadly during the fourth show we watched tonight we discovered our fifth disc was scratched, so Ginger sent me out to Wal-Mart to exchange it so we could continue watching (she really likes this show). The only bad thing about the show is that we only have three episodes left of season 1 (guess I've got to start trying to find Season 2 on the cheap).

And for tonight's completely unrelated item, when I got back from the store, there was a frog (actually, it's probably a toad) on the front walkway, weird thing was, over an hour later it was still there and hadn't moved.


Unknown said...

Phew! I was worried yesterday that Quinn would be subjected to more than one day of school in a row. It can really damage a child.

JamesF said...

Well, he did go to school for two whole days before he got a break. They didn't leave for Richmond until after school (which I might add is still only a half day at this point).

Scott said...

That, my friend, is a perfect specimen of the common American Toad (Bufo americanus). (Makes your heart swell with patriotism, doesn't it?)

I guess I know my place this blog as the guy who performs little wee creature identification.

Unknown said...

Poor kid must be exhausted from all that book learnin'! Too much of it for him and he will end up like Scott, who identifies little creatures on blogs.

Scott said...

-s: You have dishonored me. I must kill you now.

Unknown said...

Don't start with me. I will have my spy from Malvern, PA, disorganize your garage. If you don't believe me, just look at what I had for dinner last night.

The Dogfather said...

nice cutlery, -s
Is that a london broil, or something else for dinner? (although slightly well done for my tastes it still looks delicious).

GO #99~!!!!
(no I don't ~really~ follow NASCAR)

Barry said...

-s: please keep your meat to yourself.
Though it does look a nice med-rare.

Unknown said...

dogfather -- thanks! it's a sirloin cap that i halved prior to grilling (the other half went in the freezer.)

barry -- it was excellent, though too bloody for my wife (who posts on here as -r). i don't normally think that the whole "organic" thing has much merit other than a way to take more money, it definitely makes a difference with beef.