Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hulk Smash Potty

Tonight was brutal. The picture above was the last moment of calm in the household before it all hit the fan. After that picture I went to watch the grill and cook the chicken for dinner. Not more than 5 minutes later I heard Quinn crying. Catherine had push him over while he was riding the see saw train thing (if you don't know what I'm talking about, the first brick adventure has a picture of the brick on it). Evidently he was riding in the middle and Catherine wanted to ride so she just pushed him off. Quinn ended up with a little bump on his head from hitting the cement and Catherine ended up in time out. I'm not sure what upset me more, that Quinn wouldn't share the thing, Catherine pushing him to get her way, or Quinn getting taken out by a girl two years younger than him (although in his defense we have told him he is not suppose to hit girls, boys he can lay into, but not girls). As if that wasn't enough, the dinner experience horrible. Quinn had to eat either a piece of spaghetti or a bite of the grilled chicken. He wouldn't eat either piece. He just dragged dinner out forever. Then once he realized he had missed out on playing because he didn't try the food, he went into full meltdown mode. So Quinn didn't have a very good night, and by extension neither did we. At least the dinner was good, I guess that's something.

And to switch gears completely. Rumor has the above is an image for a cartoon that apparently is being shopped around to see if any syndicators bite. I don't know. Babies? Nice to see how they kept the Hulk's purple clothes with the overalls. Otherwise they would have had to go with purple diapers. I'm somewhat surprised he's not going to be Banner sometimes and Hulk up when he doesn't get his bottle or a cookie or something. And they added in some Spider-Girl. I suppose this is very similar to the Looney Babies where they just added in a female rabbit to for no reason other than they probably did focus group testing and thought it would play better with a female in the mix. Hmmm, I wonder if there will be poop jokes. "Hulk smash potty! Now Hulk make poopie in pants!" And how can baby Wolverine be the best there is at what he does? What's he do now? From the picture it looks like he's about to go into a berserker rage against that lady bug. Between Hulk and Wolverine I can only imagine how many toys these guys are going to destroy. No cookie jar will be up high enough to escape the baby Spider-Kids. And I bet baby Captain America is going to be a goody two shoes and always do the right thing (he'll probably end up spouting the moral of the story at the end too).


Scott said...

Marvel Babies?!?! Please kill me now! It looks absolutely DREADFUL!!!!

Unknown said...

For all of your negativity, it sure sounds like you are one of the writers on the show.

JamesF said...

I wouldn't turn the gig down if it was offered to me. The chance to do a job where I could actually share what I do with my kids at some point. I'll admit, that does sound appealing. Of course, then I wouldn't be able to tell anyone else what I do and keep my street cred.

Unknown said...

I can't believe that you don't share the joy of your current work with your kids. If you want Quinn to eat, just tell him that you will lecture him on heteroskedasticity or something if he doesn't.

"Quinn, you may think that BLUE is just a color, but it's not!"

You don't need to worry too much about your street cred, as apparently Scott will kill himself and I have no emotional attachment to those characters. I guess it's just how Curt takes it.

BullBunky said...

Uh, is that Baby Dr. Octopus?

Unknown said...

It's completely unrelated, but I am the first person to use bloglines to subscribe to your blog's feed. I wanted to memorialize the moment, just in case you become famous and 10 or 15 bloglines users add you.

JamesF said...

I am the first person to use bloglines to subscribe to your blog's feed.

I'm still using Google's home page. Guess I don't have enough blogs I read regularly (or that regularly update, I'm looking at you Matt) to make it worth going somewhere else to manage them.

... just in case you become famous and 10 or 15 bloglines users add you.

I already had my 15 minutes of fame from the Strangers spill over. Things are slowly returning to normal as far as hits (which is to say that 10 to 15 would be more than half the people that read this regularly).

Unknown said...

Strangers now has six subscribers on bloglines. I apparently track 32 feeds, with gems like:

* USS Excalibur (who doesn't follow the feed for this one?)
* the two blogs I do (I can't track R's from bloglines b/c of the security)
* My webhost's status update blog
* Houston Chronicle energy articles
* two Project Runway fan sites, including the awesomely named projectrungay

I will admit that I never read all the feeds. A couple I click on them just to mark them as read unless I'm really in the mood.

JamesF said...

I am curious, when you say

I am the first person to use bloglines to subscribe to your blog's feed.

Do you mean you just added it today? Or do you mean you were the first? I'm having a hard time believing 5 other people started subscribing to it today. I mean, it's not that good.

Unknown said...

I subscribed this morning, after which the banner at the top of the page said "1 subscriber."