Saturday, September 09, 2006

The All Catherine Day

So today was an all Catherine day. We took her to McDonald's for breakfast where she polished off an entire meal of hot cakes. After that we took her to the Disney store where she fell in love with some of the Cinderellla outfits. I think Ginger may have promised her we would get one for her eventually.

After all that excitement we headed home and had lunch and she took her nap. After she woke up, she and I headed out to the park with just the two of us. It had merely started off as an expedition down the street to look at some mushrooms, but Catherine decided as we were walking that we should go to the park. I tried getting some pictures, but it was about dusk at this point and I didn't have my flash extension and had to use the built in flash, so the pictures aren't the best. We almost had a minor catastrophe at the park, in the one photo you can see Catherine in a kiddie swing where she just lets go of the chains (she's practically fearless). All well and good, but later she started swinging in one of the bigger kid swings, and she tried that stunt again and almost fell off the swing. We finished off the day after dinner by going out and getting an ice cream cone for her.

Today's unrelated photos are some of the mushrooms and a bee. The second set of mushrooms look like they're just begging someone to come along with a golf club. The bee is a bit blurrier than I would like, but again, it was near dusk so the lighting at this point was well less than optimal.


Curt Sawyer said...

My sister ate wild mushrooms once as a small child.

We had to have her stomach pumped.


JamesF said...


I am curious though (since I have kids and haven't been in that situation). Was her stomach pumped because (1) you saw her eat the mushrooms, (2) she told you and you didn't know what kind she ate, or (3) she started showing symptoms and later found out she had eaten them?