Thursday, September 28, 2006


I picked up Quinn from school (I was only slightly late, but there were lots of other people in line behind me, so I consider that on time). Once we left the school, he insisted on playing on the playground for a couple of minutes before heading home, and I went ahead and let him play.

I stayed at work tonight longer than I would have liked (again), but once again today was a good progress day. We finally figured out why the interrupts weren't working (surprise surprise, it was because the software supplied by the vendor wasn't actually enabling them).

Smallville premiered tonight. I personally think the wrapped up all the plot threads they had from last season's finale a little too quick. At least they were able to use the "Kneel before Zod" line before wrapping up the Zod storyline, that line is a classic. And I especially would have liked to see some more ramifications on the Clark and Chloe kiss from last year's season finale instead of just pretending it meant nothing and introducing Jimmy Olsen as a new love interest for Chloe. By introducing Jimmy and having it be such an obvious attraction thing they're insuring that they won't follow up on that kiss. That's one of the big problems with this series though, the Chloe character. Chloe isn't in the mythos, so we know she doesn't play into things long term (I mean, it's common knowledge Clark and Lois end up together in the end), but her character works really well for how they're currently using her. It's a shame they can't do more with her since her character on the show is much more energetic and likeable than the Lois character on the show. All this is complicated by the fact that Chloe currently is a combination of Lana and Lois from the mythos. She's Clark's confidant who knows his secret (in the mythos, that role belonged to Lana). Chloe is also a reporter for the Daily Planet taking on aspects of the 'Lois' role. Since she's part both, and yet neither and doesn't exist in the mythos, I don't think she's going to survive the series (before the end of the series, Chloe's character will have to be removed from play).

The rest of the pictures are just ones where I've been trying different stuff. Nothing too fancy or too good this time around. Ginger's told me she needs like 10 more really good photos, that have to have green, blue or yellow in them. Every since she's requested good pictures, I've found it's impossible to take good ones when I'm trying to take good ones. So that's how I ended up with these. I think the mushroom shot at least had a shot at being good had I adjusted the depth of field to get the stem in focus also (but when I tried that, the top part of the shroom was thrown out of focus). And the lamp shot shows me I really need to clean the glass in the lamp at some point.


Scott said...

I like the rays on the lamp. The picture of the petunia (I think that's a petunia, it's really hard to tell) needs better contrast if you're going to do B&W. You might try playing with contrast in Picasa.

IMO, flower pics are best in color.

Unknown said...

We watched the compelling third episode of "NFL Cheerleader Playoffs," in which the Titans and Rams cheerleaders won handily in physical and mental challenges over the 49ers and Dolphins cheerleaders. We learned that the two Dolphins girls are "Latinas 4 Life," which, when presented as a hang signal, looks like "Losers 4 Sideways Losers." We also learned that someone on the 49ers cheerleading squad is working on her PhD. Call you cable company today and demand the NFL Network!