Friday, September 01, 2006

In Brightest Day...

I managed to snag a Green Lantern ring the comic book store on the last Free Comic Book day (it will be May 5th next year, mark your calendars now). Once I got home though, it was confiscated from me by Quinn. Now he runs around the house fighting evil with his ring.

Back here to reality though, and there's nothing like going through a drought for most of the summer and then getting enough rain in one day to bring you back into the range of average for the year. The remnants of Ernesto are certainly being felt here. Trees are down. It's raining non-stop. And it's cold. The temperature probably dropped like 25 degrees in the past day or so.

For those wondering about Catherine, she did go see a doctor about her toe today. Her toe is mildly infected, but the docs gave her some medicine to take on a daily basis and she has to soak her toe twice a day. No operating was done for now (which is good).

Tonight's food battle was twofold with Quinn. Half of a piece of macaroni and cheese (and by that I mean one elbow noodle cut in half) and breakfast bar. He actually liked the breakfast bar, so woo hoo! Getting him to eat the half a noodle was much tougher. I think I forgot to mention last night's struggle. It was 5 grains of rice. You would have thought it was Gagh the way he was acting about it.

And finally, the Strangers blog apparently is officially an overnight hotspot. Nothing like being chosen as the day's Blog of Note to significantly increase your daily traffic. It's almost like being slashdotted, but not quite.


Anonymous said...

That's great that Quinn ate a breakfast bar! Those can be quite nutritious. Have you tried giving Quinn PediaSure? We haven't tried PediaSure yet, but I'm always tempted when EtE goes through a crackers only period.

I hope Catherine's toe starts to feel looks painful:(

The Dogfather said...

So what is Quinn's rings weakness?
Yellow things? Wood? Pasta?!!

heh... still a great pic.

Scott said...

That's amazing about the strangers blog! I wonder how that happens.

Scott said...

By the way, I noticed that the Strangers Blog changed its by-line. Grammar Police must have cited you guys.

JamesF said...

That's amazing about the strangers blog! I wonder how that happens.

Well, first someone goes here and types in the URL. Then I suspect someone on Blogger's team checks out the submissions and decides on whether it will eventually be a blog of note.