Monday, September 11, 2006


Things started out pretty crazy this morning. Ginger was suppose to take the kids to school so she could attend a new parent meet and greet thing the school had put together. Well, that plan didn't quite get executed. Ginger woke up having a migraine. So I ended up having to take the kids in to school. This was complicated even more by the fact that once I got them to their school I was told it Quinn's day to bring in snacks for his class. Weird thing is, no one had bothered to tell us this (which I found out from Ginger once I came back home to pick up something for snack). Once I got back to the school I found out the school had sent the information about snack schedules home with Quinn on Friday. Small flaw in that plan though, if you'll remember Quinn didn't go to school Friday.

Luckily Ginger started feeling somewhat better and was able to pick up the kids after school and handle them. Unfortunately in the midst of all the chaos this morning I forgot to mail back my Netflix movie, so now it'll be even longer before I get the next DVD of 24. Good thing we have Veronica Mars season 2 to watch now instead. I will say this, Veronica Mars season 1 is without a doubt one of the best seasons of TV on television. Excellent characters, nice plot, great execution, and snappy banter. It's like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, without the Vampires and Slayings. Really good stuff.

Today's roundup: Catherine attended her first tap dance class today. Ginger started getting over her migraine, then it started coming back later tonight just before bed. Other than that, not a lot to tell. The following pictures are of Quinn helping me clean up some milk that Catherine had spilled on the driveway.


Unknown said...

You did quite the disservice to Quinn by letting him skip school on Friday.

In the work world, they will let it pass when he doesn't know the answer to a question, but they will crucify him if he forgets the donuts on his day to bring them. He missed perhaps the most important day of school ever.

Unknown said...

BTW, how much milk was spilled that you had to clean it up with the hose? Did Catherine set off dynamite in a cow's ass?

JamesF said...

I covered the snacks though. They needed the snack by 10:30 and I got back around 9:45. But yes, they were woefully unprepared and had no snack backup.

And I heard some of the kids didn't like the snack I ended up bringing which was Veggie Booty (Spinach & Kale popcorn, Quinn loves the stuff).

And there was a lot of milk. I don't know what she dropped, but it had been out there for a couple hours I think when I got home, so the hose seemed the quickest and easiest way to clean it up without really having to do anything.

Unknown said...

Jeese, reasonable answers to snarky questions. Way to kill the buzz dude :)

JamesF said...

I was just trying to find a way to get a refernce to the green popcorn included.

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify the milk spilled on the driveway was indeed a tall vanilla milk from Starbucks. And it was on the drivewall all of a half an hour total, not hours.

Unknown said...

On the Veggie Booty page there is a Google ad that says "Look Sexy Naked," in fact it's right next to the picture of the bag. I might have to buy some now.

JamesF said...

Guess I'll refrain from commenting that those ads I believe are partially driven by your previous searches on your computer, since on my screen after multiple refreshes the ads are for "Charles Chips" and "Beer Nuts Brand Snacks".

And Ginger, I swear I haven't been searching for nuts.

Unknown said...

But this is my work computer, so that's weird. My last bunch of google searches have been for stuff about natural gas companies.

Oh wait -- hmm...