Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bug In Google's New Tabbed Homepage

So I mostly like the new additions to Google's homepage. The tabs are pretty nice, but I sure would like to be able to control the color assigned to each tab instead of having it automaticaly pick one for me. So far the only way I've been able to pick a color is to keep adding tabs until I get the color a color I like, then move everything I want onto that tab and delete all the other tabs I created in between. And from what I've seen, there's a limited number of colors (I only saw blue, green, orange and purple). And there's a limited number of tabs you can add (although I don't forsee every needing more than the six they let you have).

The other minor annoyance is with a bug in the new tabbed homepage. If I have multiple tabs in Firefox, and on each of those tabs I go to the Google homepage, then from there go to a different tab within the Google homepage on each Firefox tab, after a while they all end up showing the same Google tab. I have to believe this is due to it using a cookie or something to set which Google tab you're on (so that the next time you go go to your personalized homepage and load the page it will display the correct tab), but since there's only one cookie (at least that's my guess), that means the multiple Firefox tabs are overwriting that cookie and the last Google tab you open becomes the 'current' one. Then after some amount of time (however long the time is between automatic refreshes on the page) all the different Firefox tabs on the Google homepage will be displaying the same Google tab. It's minor, but annoying since this means I can't use multiple tabs in Firefox to monitor my multiple Google tabs.

Not much exciting to report here on the homefront. Quinn's doing well in extended day. At least I think he is. Quinn also ate a piece of chicken tonight that wasn't a nugget. Not making a lot of progress on getting him to eat other types of meat, but anything 'different' is good at this point.

The following are some picture of Quinn at the NASCAR Busch race a couple weekends ago. I believe all these pictures were from Friday night, I don't know if we have any actual pictures of the Nextel race unless they're on one Grammy or Pop Pop's camera. As you can see from the last picture, even though he was having fun at the race, it wasn't too long before he started having more fun creating his own version of the race with his cars.

Finally, another random picture I took over the weekend, I'm not even going to bother with the color image of this one since I like the B&W version of this one much better than the color version.


mattfite said...

James, I really like that photo. I think I'm jealous. Be prepared for me trying to imitate it.

Scott said...

Ok, Ansel, now that is a great photo.

I noticed the hearing protection for Quinn... good idea. Those races can be pretty loud. We use them when we take the boys to Monster Truck races. I wish (for those) they had the equivalent for your nose... a filter of some sort. Since the Monster Truck are always in an indoor arena, the fumes really start to get to you.

Curt Sawyer said...

Monster Truck races, NASCAR...

Ah, the south.


Anonymous said...

It really bugs me when someone assumes that we are "from the south" just because we talk about NASCAR. Just to stop the "southern" myth to NASCAR, here are the official regional demographics to NASCAR.

Regional distribution
U.S. pop. NASCAR fans
Northeast 20% 20%
Midwest 23% 24%
South 35% 38%
West 21% 19%

You will note that the regional distribution of "fans" are in direct correlation to the population of the US.

Don't even get me started on the household income of NASCAR fans.

Barry said...

Typical NASCAR Fan:

Nuff Said ;-)

Curt Sawyer said...

Yes, there are rednecks in every state and some of them even have money!!


Just a joke folks, just a joke!

Unknown said...

That picture looks like the park that they caught Robert Hanssen in. Good pic.

Having lived in almost every corner of the US (NJ, TX (urban and rural), FL, LA, OR), having traveled to all but 5 of the lower 48, and having spent significant time in CA for work and personal reasons, I think I have enough evidence to say:

Ginger, let it go. It's for the best.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh don't you love stereotypes? -s don't you remember your grandmother's first visit to OR to visit us? She said "where are the rugged people?" Apparantly everyone in OR should look like mountain men to a grandmother from NJ! ;)

Unknown said...

I remember that clearly, as it was quite hilarious.

The key is that there is no place in the country where NASCAR is such a part of the cultural fabric. Sure there are fans everywhere, but not nearly the "live-and-die" types that I've come across in the south. It makes sense, b/c that's where it started, that's where most of the race circuit is, and that's where most of the drivers are from.

It's part of the regional pride, and that's not a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I just like NASCAR because I can get good corn fritters and BBQ pork at the consession stand. Don't even get me started on those tasty curly-Q fries! DEEEE-LISHUS!

That and my wife can wear her "stars and bars" tube-top.