Thursday, August 31, 2006

New Carpet

Catherine's having some problems today. Her big toe is really hurting. We think it might be an ingrown toenail, but we don't know. When I got home the kids were watching some TV so Catherine could soak her toe in warm water. Ginger tried to do some minor operating on it, but Catherine wouldn't let her do anything serious. Looks like they might be heading to the doctor's office tomorrow. I hope they don't have to operate or anything. I know when they operated on my foot about a year ago the pain killer shots hurt worse than the splinter I had lodged all the way through my toe. They actually give you shots in the webbed area between your toes. And it's not just one shot, but like four, two on either side of the toe in question.. If I never have to get one of those shots again, that would be good. Anyway, her toe doesn't look particularly good. It's really red next to the nail and it seems to have a bit of white under the skin there at the edge also.

Ginger bought a new carpet for the family room (part of our ongoing quest to continually update that room recently) and tonight we got to put the carpet down. My personal opinion is that this is a mistake and we don't actually need new carpet. Sure the cats had peed on the old one and it smelled absolutely horrible, but we still have the cats. I don't see the rationale for buying new stuff like this knowing we still have the cats, but Ginger sees things differently.

Since this was only a rug, putting it down ourselves doesn't break my previous promise to never lay carpet on my own again. That said, I still screwed it up a bit. The rug keeps creeping closer to the wall along the edge until in the corner it actually rides up the wall a bit. Even so, I think we did pretty good getting it as straight as we did. I gotta tell you though, laying the carpet without being able to move the big screen television out of the room and not unplugging the wires so the TiVo would still be recording made for quite a trick.


Curt Sawyer said...

Looks nice!

(And the rug we put down in the second bedroom rides up a little on my desk leg as well.)

Scott said...

Man, things are always riding up on my leg!

(Rug looks great.)

The Dogfather said...

At least your priorities (TiVo!) were correct. Glad to see you've stuck to the "I will NEVER install carpet myself again" promise. I'd say you could try, you just gotta buy (or rent) the professional tools FIRST, and don't forget the tack strip....

Unknown said...

You can use this as an excuse to get that 60" plasma to hang on the wall -- just can't get the rug straight with the big tv in here!

JamesF said...

There probaly is a 60" plasma somewhere in our future. But I'm trying to hold off on that a bit. Since if we get that, we'll need to get digital cable, and then an HD DVR, and new DVDs, etc.