Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Where's JamesF

I gave Rob a hard time over the weekend for being the resident untanned pasty white guy. He then got on my case about the fact that I didn't post a picture of Gretchen or Karen. I responded with I know better than to post pictures of women in their swimsuits without getting approval first (well, women I know anyway, women I don't know I have no qualms posting their picture). But I did mention that I used to be the original poster boy for the pasty white guy. I really wasn't joking. The above photo was taken back in summer of '91. At this point I was living in the Cascades out in Sterling. They had all the residents attend a pool party so they could take the above photo for promotional purposes to convince other people to come live there. Foolishly I attended this event and was in the picture. See if you can spot me in the picture. I think the only person that's whiter than me is wearing a t-shirt. Think of this as a "Where's Waldo" but you're trying to find JamesF instead.

For those people that are unable to locate me (or really just don't feel like wasting your time looking), you can just click here for the answer.


Scott said...

I think there's a newborn baby on a lady's lap to your left that's tanner than you!

Barry said...

You're clue made it too easy ;-)