Friday, August 11, 2006

Fashion Disaster

The weather has been really nice out (translation, it's no longer 100 degrees all the time, but rather just high 80s). So when I got home tonight, it was no real surprise that Quinn wanted to go outside. He did his typical bouncing from one activity to another. We did baseball, hockey, soccer, tennis and the moon bounce all within probably 45 minutes. While Quinn was in the moon bounce I took that as an opportunity to trim the bushes out front. Catherine came out not too long after that. She didn't want to play in the moon bounce, but rather wanted to help clean up the trimmed bushes that were everywhere (she's such a little helper / gardener).

So during our 'Fashion Emergency' a couple of days ago, the comments became interesting. Most of the guys decided they saw nothing wrong with the outfit. KennyG did his little over the top skit where he mocked the outfit to the extreme, bringing out the nukes by referring to the infamous white belt. Then Curt decided to make it more about him by throwing this out there:
James, scan in that picture of you, Rhonda, and me at that wedding back in 1988 and let the world see how truly bad we all were in terms of fashion!!!

For a picture of the belt, I present to you the semi famous "Stonehenge" picture. I don't even know when this was taken. I think sometime in 91. Doesn't John look ecstatic?

And now for the picture Curt was referencing. He doesn't fool me, he just wants this posted because he's in it. Anyway (Matt, I'm stealing your segue), I decided to use the Motivator Maker since that seems to be all the rage these days.

And if it's always been your dream to see a motivational poster with me in it that was made by someone else, well, you're in luck, because now you can.


Scott said...

That dude you're with, the one wearing the yellow tie, looks like Tom Cruise.

You are totally eighties man. Totally.

mattfite said...

i have spoken with my legal department and you should expect to hear from my respresentatives. you may soon get your first C&D.

anyway™, those are some sweet (and quite pastel) threads. and, i'm stealing the motif and doing my own poster this weekend.

BullBunky said...

Oh my goodness. Now Curt has been likened to Tom Cruise. We will never hear the end of THIS.

Curt Sawyer said...

My mother-in-law once saw a really bad picture of Tom Cruise on the cover of Parade magazine and said, "Gee, he looks awful there!" Then she turned to me and said, "You look like Tom Cruise in this picture!"

So on my best day I apparently look like Tom Cruise on his worst day.


Curt Sawyer said...

In "Stonehenge" I don't know what is worse - the pulled up socks, the jeans shorts to the knees, or the white belt.


BullBunky said...

Well, Curt, thank goodness you didn't mention my Miami Vice aqua shorts.