Saturday, August 12, 2006

Attack Of The Pool Post

I slept in a bit today. Nana is up this weekend, so the kids wouldn't have wanted to spend any time with me anyway. Once I was up Ginger and I went to the grocery store while Quinn and Nana went on an excursion around the neighborhood. No, we didn't leave Catherine home alone, she decided to go with us to the store. While we were there Catherine helped pick out some fruit. We got blackberries, strawberries, and an orange. Catherine dug into the blackberries as soon as we got home and got her mouth completely stained with blackberry juice.

After a late lunch we decided to hit the pool. We called around to see if anyone wanted to join us, but we had waited too late in the afternoon (too bad, pretty sure Barry would have liked it when we first arrived). Unfortunately we arrived when there was still almost ten minutes left on adult swim. So the kids had to wait outside the pool (it just about killed them).

Once everyone got in it wasn't too long before Quinn wanted to head over to the diving board, so we did that for a good while. I got some video today of him jumping in and swimming over to the wall. I also got some video of me jumping in too. And I got one jump of Catherine as well. I only got one of Catherine because we got corrected by yet another lifeguard when Catherine jumped in. It's in the video, so you can look to see how 'unsafe' we were being and judge for yourself whether it's worthy of getting chastised. I know my feelings on the subject. I went and had yet another talk with the lifeguard. The story I got this time was it is up to the discretion of the lifeguard on duty and she "didn't feel comfortable with it" since Catherine could (and I'm not making this up) "jump on my head". You know, if she was jumping 3 feet in the air, I could agree they have a point, but she's not. She's just a little timid about jumping off the board since it's so 'high' above the water. Maybe it's just my upbringing, but at the community pool of the apartment complex where I lived, there was no lifeguard. It was swim and do whatever at your own risk (<grumpy old man imitation>and we liked it!</grumpy old man imitation>).

The video of today's fun is down below (it clocks in around 2 minutes, so it's not too long). Nothing really spectacular, and to be honest, for non family it might be a bit boring.

Fun At The Diving Board


Curt Sawyer said...

What are you going to post about in the winter?


Scott said...

Nice video, boner-boy.

I actually like how you put it on a tripod (or a stand, or whatever it was) and then used the fade effect. It's pretty simple, but looks cool in the video.

Barry said...

I liked it.

mattfite said...

as catherine ran to the edge of the board, i thought "oh my. she's going to jump on his head."

the video looks good! and i think scott has identified the reason why the lifeguards have given you trouble.

Curt Sawyer said...

For some reason, everyone is talking about your noodle in the comments of one of my totally unrelated posts. WTF?


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you think the James's noodle is unrelated. What are you going to do when James visits your boat??

JamesF said...

That's... just disturbing.