Monday, July 03, 2006

Swimming Lessons Start

The kids took their first private swimming lessons today. Today's lesson focused on swimming the length of the pool numerous times. Ginger says Catherine probably swam the length of the pool 6 times and Quinn she thinks did it 8 times. This was just them working on the basics of swimming along with the instructor watching them. I keep waiting for them to learn how to tread water so I don't have to be so paranoid at the pool. Since the theme today was the pool, I threw together this little video of the kids in the pool last weekend (it's under 2 minutes).

Fun In The Pool

I went in to work for a while today. I only thought Friday was dead. Holy smokes, it was like a ghost town. I didn't stay all day, because we had to take Dobie and Cynthia into the vet. Dobie had an... issue the other day where he was having a bit of trouble passing some stool. And we took Cynthia because I've noticed some lumps growing in a couple places on her head. The good news was the vet wasn't too worried about the bumps on Cynthia. I'm suppose to report back in about a month on whether they've significantly increased in size. And poor Dobie has somehow bruised his, uhh, his... (hmm, gotta keep the blog at least partially family friendly so...) his dinky, willy, aka his wee wee. And no, we don't know how he managed to do that.

Since my Mom is up, Ginger and I went out to dinner at Arties. After we came home and played some dominoes (must remember to ask Kenny for some clarification on the rules).

I believe tonight's flashback pictures are from when the group went up to see Keith in PA at some point. I don't know the specific year. But I'm sure someone else can tell us the actual timeframe.

1 comment:

The Dogfather said...

Which domino rules did you need clarification on?