Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Beach Fun Day 3: It's Hot

Changed the daily routine today. Started out in the pool earlier. The idea today was to try and get down to the beach prior to the kids taking a nap. The previous days it's been closer to the evening by the time we got to the beach. But today some people (against my better judgment) wanted to try and get there earlier. So after some time in the pool this morning, we did lunch and then everyone got relathered up and we headed out to the beach. Ken did the driving / biking routine today, so I got a break from that.

The water at the beach was a bit cold today. Definitely colder than the rest of the week. I managed to get some good pictures of Quinn. Couldn't really get good shots of Catherine, simply because she never really did much other than dig in the sand. And the couple of times she did go to the water, I was already down there sans camera. On top of that, I don't think Catherine was feeling particularly well, she's got a little sunburn under her eyes and I really think being out in the sun has wiped out all her energy (her napping time later proved this point I think). Since Oh yeah, and since Barry gave me grief about yesterday's beach dude picture, so I've included the one on the right to compensate.

We only stayed at the beach for about an hour an a half. Even with a beach umbrella the heat was brutal (and not all of us could fit under the umbrella). It's funny, I can distinctly remember watching Robocop II (at least I think it was in II) in the theaters and laughing my ass off when a character in the movie mentioned needing SPF 100. Now when we're using SPF 45 lotion and still feel hot after a couple hours in the sun, it doesn't seem as funny anymore.

After we got back, we put our kids down for naps. Quinn slept for about 90 minutes, got up, came out to the living room, laid down on the couch and feel asleep again. I think total he napped for like 2 and a half hours. Catherine was a napping machine. Down for 5 hours. Needless to say we didn't really do anything tonight. I ended up missing getting sunset pictures and missed the moon rising pictures too. Sadly there's only a couple vacation days left and I think the forecast is calling for rain later in the week, so I may not get the sunset pictures I want. And tonight it looked like the full moon has already passed, so I probably won't get that shot either.

Finally I wanted to give a big shout out and thanks to KennyG (or as Catherine calls him, "King"). He took time out and went above and beyond the call to stop by our place and verify that our three cats are doing okay. Thanks Kenny!

1 comment:

Curt Sawyer said...

Wish I was at the beach...

At least I get to go sailing on Saturday.