Monday, July 31, 2006

More Home Improvements

I feel like this is cheating a bit since this actually occurred on Sunday. But after I got the ceiling lamp installed, Ginger had more items on her list of things I need to do around the house. The next thing on the list was installing curtain rods in the bedroom. This job took a lot longer than the lamp. None of it was difficult, just time consuming in making sure everything is level and correct. The pictures below show our new curtains hanging precariously on the newly installed rods. Ginger made the sheer curtain herself, the solid curtain was apparently purchased.

On to today. Catherine was still napping when I got home tonight. In fact, she was asleep until almost 7:30. The plan for tomorrow keeps changing. She has ballet tomorrow, then after that her and Quinn were going to switch and she was going to go to Richmond for a couple of days and Quinn was going to be coming home. Tonight though she seems to have changed her mind about going. So we'll see whether the kids are swapped tomorrow or whether Ginger just ends up bringing back Quinn.

Speaking of Quinn, we've gotten some photos of just what he's been up to down in Richmond. The pictures don't really contain anything surprising. Seems he's been playing with new freight cars for the train and playing with some new NASCARs that he's acquired while down there. Part of me thinks the reason he always wants to go to Grammy's in Richmond is he always makes out like a bandit getting new toys whenever he's there.

I have no idea what that thing in the last picture is. It's looks like a tie-in toy from the Pixar Cars movie. Wonder if that's coming back with him or staying there.

1 comment:

The Dogfather said...

You only want Quinn to bring that new toy back, so ~you~ can play with it!

((Nice sheers Ginger, I have a room they'd be perfect in!))