Sunday, July 09, 2006

On The Road Again, and Again

Started the day packing up the car and getting breakfast at the local McDonalds. This was one of those new fangled high tech McDonald's with FOX News blasting everywhere and a bunch of kiosks that had computer games for the kids.

Eventually we got on the road around noon. Not, however, before having to stop at a Starbucks so that Ginger and the kids could satisfy their cravings (I really should buy stock in them as much demand as there seems to be for them). After being on the road for a bit, we stopped at yet another McDonalds (this one with a play area) and met my Dad for lunch. Quinn actually had popcorn chicken from KFC instead of eating McDonald.

Then it was on to the beach house. The house isn't as nice as the one we were in a couple months ago. But we're now 'in season' and the house we were in before is going for three times what we paid pre-season. And while we have internet connection at this house, it didn't actually work. The cable outlet it was plugged into wasn't getting a signal, but by using another connection in the house we were able to get that working (whew, I can't imagine a whole week with no net connection).

The kids have already made themselves at home. And I took Quinn down to the ocean while his dinner was being prepared (the ocean is also a lot further away than it was a couple months ago). We both got our pants soaked by some huge waves, then we came home and had dinner.

And tonight will be the final flashback picture. At least for a while since I no longer have access to the old photos. This shot I believe is outside of Cheryl's apartment. I want to say in Charlottesville, but I don't remember for sure if she ever lived there (my memory blows chunks these days, I blame the kids, seriously).


Curt Sawyer said...

Hail all readers!!

(This isn't spam, I know James! Went to college with him, actually! Ask me how much he spent on comics every month - really, I know!)

I recently posted an item on my blog that I am trying to generate a lot of exposure for. If you don't have the time to read that, then go here and click the Demand It! link for a town near you.

BullBunky said...

This one threw me too. It doesn't look like any of our normal spots! At least we're all going senile together :)

JamesF said...

I'm fairly positive it was when we visited Cheryl. Pretty sure we even spent the night.

BullBunky said...

Hmmm, well, was this visit where ve bowled and drank long island iced teas? I remember starting off with duck pins, and then moving up to normal bowling. And then having to bowl blindfolded or backwards or something crazy?

Maybe THAT'S why we can't recall :)

JamesF said...

I don't recall if it was that trip or not. I do remember that bowling, the blindfolded bowling was because the two of us got strikes during their midnigt bowling with the red pin in the #1 position, then we had to try blindfolded, had we gotten another strike we would have gotten $100. I vaguely remember we both did pretty good (this was during our league years), but didn't get the $100 (I think I got a 9 and you got an 8, but I could have those numbers reversed).

BullBunky said...

Yes, way to work in your bowling superiority :)