Saturday, July 08, 2006

Riding The Train

Today I was foolish. The plan today was to take the kids to the mall out at Short Pump and let them ride the train that go through the mall. And even though I *knew* how long this would take, I foolishly went along anyway. And I was right, this one task eventually ended up taking us over 6 hours. Anyway, the kids got to ride the train. And I wasted a day in which I didn't really have anything else to do anyway, so I guess it all works out. Oh yeah, and I managed to sprain my wrist and scrape up both knees jumping through a shopping cart return area in the parking lot at Target too. So it's been a great day. But the kids seemed to have fun, so I guess that's all that matters.

Tonight's flashback picture is from a camping trip. I think it was probably the night before a white water rafting trip from back when I used to go on those pretty regularly. I have no idea what's in our mouths. If I didn't know better I would think we were trying something along the lines of NORML, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't it. I just hope those leaves weren't poison ivy (they really couldn't have been, since even as old and forgetful as I currently am, I certainly think I would remember something like that).


BullBunky said...


BullBunky said...

Now, why we were up a tree? That I can't recall.