Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bed Upgrades

Catherine has finally graduated from a mattress on the floor in her room to an actual bed. It's her "princess" bed. At least that's what she calls it. Grammy brought the bed up from Richmond today (Nana left today, so we're sort of a revolving hotel this week). And I had this grand and crazy plan that Catherine was going to grow up in an androgynous environment. And I wasn't going to have her play with dolls and she could play with cars and video games if she wanted. And what happens? She ends up just completely loving the Princess stuff. It's infuriating. Like her little brain has been programmed by someone to like that stuff (maybe it's a software bug, I wonder if she has a reboot switch).

Quinn also got some accessories for his bed. He got a new comforter and pillow that has Nascar stuff on it. So he was happy with that. I didn't get to take a lot of pictures today since after I got home I was basically helping put the bed together once the kids got up. Amazingly Quinn was still napping when I got home, I guess him playing with Nana wore him out.

1 comment:

Barry said...

Faith too has become miss princess, even with 2 brothers so close in age. She loves wearing necklaces and bracelets. For that matter so does Reuben, but he still likes trucks thankfully ;-)