Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thumper? I Hardly...

We had a little visitor in the front of our house this evening. I managed to get a couple shots of him before he ran off, but the lighting wasn't really conducive to getting a good picture, so he's a bit out of focus.

I'm not sure what's going on with me tonight. I suddenly started feeling really dizzy after dinner. It was like my inner ear just started going crazy. Since then every so often I get this spinning room sensation. Really hoping whatever is causing this goes away.

Since last night I put up some shots of the kids, so I figure it's only fair that I get one of Ginger up. And speaking of last night, when I was putting together last night's post, I got a chance to chat with Matt on IM for a while and hear about what he's been up to. After I posted my pictures, I showed him one of Quinn that I liked, but that I thought wasn't that good because I had Ginger in the frame which distracted the viewer from Quinn. Matt thought it was a decent shot so I promised him I would put it up tonight.


mattfite said...

true to your word.

i still think they are both photos to be proud of. and i also think the focus does a fine job of separating the subject from the background.

Scott said...

You can always photoshop her out of the second shot... it is a fine shot.