Friday, June 02, 2006

Class Dismissed!

Quinn and Catherine's school is officially out for summer. To celebrate the school put together a pot luck picnic after class was dismissed. We brought Mac & Cheese that I cooked last night (thanks Kraft!) since Ginger wasn't feeling well. Speaking of, Ginger appears to be almost completely recovered. The eye drops had cleared things up by the time she went to bed last night and apparently the flu stuff was only 24 hours. The good news is no one else in the household has been infected, so maybe we got off easy.

The interesting thing about the picnic was I got to actually put some faces to the names Quinn talks about all the time. The above picture is Darbie, Quinn, Teddy and Catherine. Teddy was quite popular with Quinn and Catherine. As I was returning from the car, I thought the kids were calling out to me yelling "Daddy! Daddy!", but as I got closer I realized they were actually yelling "Teddy! Teddy!".

I think Darbie may be sweet on Quinn. When she first came over she was asking if Quinn could come over to her house and play. No one made any plans though, so the chances of us being sociable and calling them to arrange something are pretty slim. To bad, she seemed to like playing with Quinn. Quinn on the other hand liked playing with any other kid that had a toy he could borrow. Here he is with Ousman (check out Ousman's shirt, the boy has taste). I don't know the name of the kid behind them (Update: Quinn has told me that's PJ), but I didn't know kids still did the rabbit ears. Poor Quinn's already on the receiving end.

I felt a bit bad for Catherine. From what I could tell she wasn't playing with any specific friends and was just tagging along with Quinn. I don't know whether she just didn't make her own friends or whether she just likes hanging out with her big brother. That did change once she got access to the sandbox, then she was more than willing to sit by herself and play while digging in the sand.

Rob and his clan was there also. I managed to get the above shot of him and Autumn. I think it turned out really good. Would have been better had the woman trying to sneek the dodge ball off the kids playground wasn't in the background though.

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