Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mawwiage Is What Bwings Us Togethaw... *

I got to attend Clara's wedding last Saturday. Clara looked absolutely fabulous. As I mentioned previously, the reception was odd in that the dancing was interspersed throughout the night's festivities and throughout the meal. I actually drank several Madris pre-reception seating. I think it's the first time I've had anything significant to drink in over a year and a half. After the bride and groom got the first dance, they played another slow song and the band's lead singer (who for most of the wedding sounded a lot like the teacher in Peanuts) put out the call for the couples to come out to the dance floor. Since I was stag, I had to drag the only dance partner out that I could find willing to dance with me, Kenny. I think Clara found it amusing, but after a minute she basically told us to cut it out. I don't think she minded as much as she didn't want to upset her guests (check out the look on the guy in the background on the right, he does not look happy with us). After that we got our picture taken with the bride and groom and I continued the rest of the dance with the Missy (who before that was taking the pictures).

For your news from here on the home front today. Ginger was feeling a bit under the weather most of the day. All last night she was suffering from a migraine. Unfortunately the migraine medicine she took this morning had the side effect of making her feel ill. This meant the kids got to watch TV a bit more than they normally do during the day. Which if there was a day for that to happen, this was the time for it since it poured rain yet again today.

Meanwhile, I've gone from last week wondering what I was going to be doing at work to having so many things on my plate this week I can barely keep up. But I went ahead and left earlier than I had intended and picked up dinner so Ginger wouldn't have to cook.

* Holy crap, after I typed all this, it suddenly occurred to me that I hope people get the fact that's a quote from Princess Bride


Scott said...

I got the Princess Bride quote... when we were talking about movie quotes yesterday with Barry, I thought to myself, surely, my own wife would know the flux capacitor reference. So I tested it on her last night, by mentioning it casually. She's like, "what capacitor?" It must be a guy thing, she had no clue what I was talking about. (Part of me died upon learning this.)

You and Kenny make a cute couple. I notice neither one of you is wearing white. <grin>

Curt Sawyer said...

As long as there were no R.O.U.S. at the reception.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see Prince Humperdink in any of the photos. What has become of him?