Saturday, June 17, 2006

Everyone's Home

When you go in to get your haircut, and you get asked "What are doing today? Shortening it up?" Word of advice. Before just answering "Sure", go ahead and ask what exactly they mean by shortening. Just a friendly piece of advice.

Ginger and the kids got back today around four. From the amount of energy the kids had and everything they wanted to do and show me you would think they hadn't done anything while they were gone. The first thing Catherine showed me before she even got out of the car was a new pocketbook she got that she's very proud of. Quinn then remembered to tell me he got a wallet for his money. I was unaware that Quinn and Catherine had enough money to warrant having a pocketbook and a wallet, but you learn something new everyday I suppose.

It didn't take long before the playing moved outside. It was nice out today, but hot. And I mean really hot. Even later in the afternoon it was pretty hot. So after we all played outside for a bit (Quinn playing baseball and Catherine digging in the dirt) we broke out the sprinkler and the kids played in that for a while. It took them a while to warm up to it, but eventually they were having a blast.


Cordell said...

dude, i got a "trim" from some old lady in the mall the other day, which resulted in me spending 12 bucks to go home and buzz my head.

BullBunky said...

The water pictures are just so wonderful. They really do capture the fun the kids were having!