Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. And apologies to my Dad for waiting until 11:30 (PM) to call and say Happy Father's Day (and for waking him up in the process, opps).

Today was nice. Quinn decided to give me a Father's Day present of going to see the new movie Cars in the theater. This was evidently a popular gift since when we got to the theater around one, the next five shows were sold out already. So we bailed on that and I promised Quinn he could take me sometime this coming week.

Once we got home I believe everyone watched Cinderella (which is what Catherine was originally going to be doing while Quinn and I were at the movie). While they all watched that, I went about cutting cable wires in the attic to try and get cable in guest room. There's an antenna in the attic I believe from 20 years ago and there is cable that is distributed throughout the house via that. A lot of rooms have single and dual cable outlets, the duals are the newer outputs from when COX used two cable lines and the singles I believe are from the antenna. So I spliced into the newer cable, added a splitter and had the output go to where it was already going plus feed into where the antenna output was going. I think I need to add something to boost the signal though, because the cable in our bedroom which used to be really clear now has a ton of snow on it. And I need to get proper cable connectors also as the screw ones I have are to small for the dual cable wire that was running through the attic. The temperature here today was up in the low 90s, so you can imagine what the attic was like in the middle of the day (and if you can't imagine, just let me tell you, it was hot, like instant sweating kind of hot).

Everyone took a late nap. The late nap lasted longer for everyone than we had thought. Quinn and I played outside for a bit once he eventually got up, but it was still pretty hot even around 8. Everything was running longer than we thought and we still hadn't eaten dinner by 8:30. This was because Ginger was fixing a new item for dinner for me (pot-stickers) and they were taking longer than anticipated. So when it got to be 8:30 and it was going to be another hour before dinner was ready, we decided to head out to Red Robin for dinner. The place was empty (I assume because basketball finals were on). Once we finished dinner it was back home and putting the kids in bed. Catherine was so tired she slipped and hit her chin on her dresser. And Quinn was still awake around 11:30, so he'll be in a really good mood tomorrow.

And now for something completely different. I threw together the following video really quick. It's not that great (nothing like the ones Ginger does). It's the Fitz Clan playing mini golf when we were at the beach. And you can hear me getting frustrated trying to maintain some form of order between the two kids and trying to film at the same time. I put this together to test out Google's new instant video uploader. For videos that are under 100 Meg, you can upload a video and have it be available instantly (how cool is that). Now it will still have to go through the verification process, so it won't be searchable (or downloadable) until it's verified. But you can instantly see it and embed it. If you can see the following video, then it worked pretty good. Enjoy!

Beach Mini Golf


BullBunky said...

Heh, the silent commentary really cracked me up. Honestly, lauging out loud.

Curt Sawyer said...

Agree. That was one of the best.

Scott said...

Lucky 13!