Sunday, June 25, 2006

Just Gimme The Bottle

Our kids slept late this morning. Curt and his family were still here from yesterday's mini reunion and their alarm clock (aka: Loren) got them up fairly early. Since they were up they decided to be really nice and go out to Panera's and bring back breakfast for all of us. Loren's really sweet and cute in addition to being a very well mannered and happy baby. And after this weekend I think I know why she's so happy, every now and then she likes to kick back a frosty one. You can tell from the picture she's had one too many already. *

Looking back, we got really lucky with the weather for having everyone up. It was threatening / calling for rain all day Saturday, but didn't rain until the evening. And it poured several times today. Originally we were going to have everyone stay over Saturday and Sunday. We had planned on going into DC to the zoo today, but that plan fell apart and almost everyone left yesterday. Turns out that was really for the best since it was raining off and on most of the day.

Curt's clan took off this morning (they had a lunch date with one of Cheryl's old roommates I believe) and right after they left we headed to church. Ginger had nursery duty again this morning. ** I did not get much accomplished today. I managed to get our new laptop connected to the wireless network, but that was about it as far as anything remotely resembling productivity went. The rest of the day was basically Quinn watching the NASCAR race and finishing off the Peanuts Gang puzzle with Catherine.

We did get some bad news today in that the community didn't have enough kids sign up for swimming lessons to make it worth their while to have the classes. This means we may have to spring for the private lessons if we want them to take swimming lessons since the next time they're offering the lessons is during the week we're not here.

* No baby was actually given alcohol in taking this picture, but it's pretty funny.

** Heh, I said "duty"


Curt Sawyer said...

Too bad about the swimming lessons. Loren's class starts Saturday morning and we're looking forward to it! Learning to swim is just the first step towards learning to sail!


And thanks again for putting up with the Sawyer clan for the weekend. We enjoyed the guest room, but you need to upgrade the guest laptop.


JamesF said...

We'll still probably do the lessons, they'll just cost more now. It may work out better since Ginger thinks Quinn would do better with someone focusing just on him versus him in a group setting (he has a habit of losing focus unless you continually engage him).