Friday, June 09, 2006

Petting Zoo

So we ended up trying out a new park near our house Thursday night. Didn't really get any good pictures though, so I didn't have anything worthwhile to post (not that I'm implying stuff that makes it onto here is worthy of being posted, I mean really, who's to say what's worthy of being posted). Both kids went nuts by climbing up on top of the equipment. Like the bars you're suppose to hang from and traverse, they would climb up and go across the top.

Ginger has been looking for stuff to do with the kids during the day since they're out of school. So today she decided to take them to the Petting Zoo. Actually, that makes it sound very spur of the moment. She had been planning all week on taking them today, so it's not like this was out of the blue. Gretchen also went and brought along Autumn and I think Tyler was there even though I didn't see him in any of the pictures.

Since I wasn't there, Ginger was our resident photographer and was using the older Canon Powershot G2. So there aren't a lot of good pictures. I blame that on the camera and not Ginger, the Powershot is terrible. It takes almost a full second for it focus before it will actually take a picture. I remember getting so frustrated with that camera after missing so many good shots. Actually, expanding that line of thinking I believe any digital camera that doesn't take an instant picture is terrible (which is one of the reasons I love my Nikon, push the button, take a picture, no waiting). So I have no idea what was going on between Catherine and Quinn in this picture, but I look at it and I just think of Quinn saying something like "Sure, twist my arm" and then Catherine does it.

See what happens when your ride is pimped?

Catherine and Autumn feed some ducks

Hey good lookin', we'll be back to pick you up later! *

I am cuteness personified

As for me, I got to see the kids for a bit when I got home, but Nana is up this weekend, so both kids just want to play with her and not their Dad (*sniff* *sniff*). Anyway, got a couple of plant shots of some bushes out front that are just starting to bloom.

* Mr Microphone not included

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