Saturday, June 10, 2006

Best Laid Plans...

We had a plan. Honest we did. The plan was Ginger was going to go get her hair cut this morning. Then she would come back home and we would go to the Fairfax Fair. That was the plan anyway. The plan started to fall apart soon after Ginger got home. The kids were exhausted. They both got up a lot earlier than they should have this morning and were in desperate need of sleep. So after some lunch, we had them take a nap. Quinn napped for maybe half an hour at most. So he was back up and still pretty tired. At some point around this time we trashed the idea of going to the Fair. The kids were too tired and we didn't really feel like dealing with the crowds. So once Catherine got up we decided we should do something for the kids. So we went to Burke Lake Park and let the kids play a round of mini golf. They really seemed to enjoy mini golf when were down at the beach, so we figured this would be a good outside activity.

It took us almost 8 holes to get Quinn to start holding the club correctly. He kept imitating the way Catherine was holding her club, which let's just say isn't the regulation approved method to hold a golf club. I mean aside from holding her hands in the wrong position, and having her thumb on the wrong side, she was holding the club itself backwards. And even holding her club like that, Catherine was the most consistent player of all of us. Her 'second' shot was always almost perfect. I say this because after her first hit, she would pick her ball up and walk over and set it right next to the hole. She did this on every hole until the last 4 where she just decided she didn't want to play anymore.

Quinn on the other hand played all the way through each hole. And eventually he did start holding his club somewhat correctly, but he was still having some problems with the finesse required when you got close to the cup. I didn't add up the scores, but I would be shocked if Quinn's score wasn't somewhere around 130 or 140 (shhhh, don't tell him that's not good, he thinks the higher your score the better you did).

We got the kids some food on the way home. And after we eventually got them into bed, Ginger and I went out for dinner. We don't get to go out much except for when Nana is up to watch the kids for us while we take off. We went to a chinese place over in Oakton and the meal was really good.

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