Saturday, February 04, 2006

Ginger Drank My Milkshake

For dinner on Friday we went with the Browns and Ben at Red Robin. After dinner we all headed over to Rob's place so the kids could play and Rob could show us his new HD 102 inch projection TV. It's pretty impressive. Unfortunately he was showing it off by watching Star Wars Episode III. I thought this movie was only mediocre in the theaters, and I have to say a repeat viewing (even if for only 10 minutes of it) didn't improve the movie in my mind.

Once we came home and put the kids to bed, I went and laid down while Ginger was watching TV (just to rest my eyes). Ginger got up to go downstairs and asked if I was coming down and if I wanted a milkshake, so I said sure (this was probably around 11). Next thing I know it's almost 1 and Ginger's waking me up telling me I fell asleep (nonsense, I was just resting my eyes). I asked about my milkshake and she told me it was gone! At this point though I was awake, so I watched Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica. BSG's shaky cam really gets on my nerves, and it didn't help that I didn't find this week's episode to be engaging in the slightest.

My Mom came up this weekend, so I slept Saturday morning. After getting up the kids wanted to watch some Little Einsteins, so I watched an episode with them. It's been raining off and on most of the day. After lunch I went out and cleaned up some fallen branches in the backyard. I also picked up a cooler that was stuck in the creek and threw that away. Seriously, who loses an entire cooler in the creek. Ginger and I went out to eat since my Mom was up and available to watch the kids. We tried to stop by the Big Screen TV store to check out televisions, but they were closed. Ginger has read that prices on them may be falling over summer, so we may end up holding off until then. After we got back from dinner, we watched National Treasure on DVD. Not a great movie, but very typical for a Jerry Bruckheimer produced film. I was suppose to lay out stripes on the walls in the dining room today, but I never got around to that. Maybe I can do some of that during the Superbowl tomorrow.


BullBunky said...

The secret to Episodes I, II, and III is to just watch the movie theatre trailers from those DVDs. Much love story.

JamesF said...

True, movie trailers these days show the entire movie, even the ending most times. And I'm not even sure just watching the the trailer can save Episode I.