Friday, February 24, 2006

It Makes Me Sound Like a Tiger

I took the kids to school today (since Ginger had my car yesterday, the car seats were still in my car this morning). Aside from a minor tantrum about whether we were going to listen to "Thomas the Tank Engine" (Catherine) or "Van Morrison" (Quinn) on CD, it was a fairly uneventful trip. Ginger came by work later and got the car seat so she could pick them up at lunch.

After work I came home and Ginger packed up the kids and we headed over to Robert and Gretchen's shanty (or as they named it, "Pebble Creek"). On the way we stopped by Baja Fresh and got the kids dinner. While Ginger was picking up the food, I chatted a bit with the kids and asked them about their day. When I asked Quinn what he had done, he told me he couldn't tell me and it was a secret. Although later he said something about getting pencils with race cars on them (I was a bit fuzzy on when / where that happened). And I know from some pictures Ginger took of them earlier that they were both playing at Catherine's new activity desk and cutting stuff out of Catherine's cutting book (I don't think Quinn has his own cutting book, but at this point I have to assume more cutting books are in our future). Ginger also mentioned that they came downstairs to my office and watched a bunch of the videos I had pulled off of the 17 tapes I had captured so far. One other thing Ginger mentioned that I found highly amusing was that earlier today Quinn had burped pretty loudly, and after he did it, he said he liked burping. He said he liked burping because (and this is possibly paraphrasing, but I think fairly close to what he said) "It makes me sound like a tiger."

Once we got over to Robert and Gretchen's and kids had eaten a bit, they were off and playing with Autumn and Tyler. Everything was great till everyone wanted to race while being carried. I ended up giving rides to everyone except Tyler. That got a little tiring after a while. I'm definitely not in as good of shape as I used to be, and to be honest, I was never really in that great of shape before, so that's probably saying something right there.

If you have a gmail account and were fast yesterday, you could have gotten access into Google's new feature, 100 Meg of free webspace / homepage. It would be accessible from http://<yourgmailaccount> I say if you were fast because they disabled allowing people to sign up yesterday because of too much demand. I think I got one address signed up, but by the time Ginger got around to signing up, it had been disabled. I'm on the waiting list now for another one. You can see what you may have missed out on by checking out googlepages. They do allow you to sign up to be notified in the future if and when access is enabled again.

As for TV tonight, all I got a chance to watch really was Battlestar Galactica. To be honest, the past three or four episodes of BSG haven't been anything special. The show seemed to be wallowing in mediocrity. Some of the episodes were just okay (Apollo commanding Pegasus), and some were just plain not that great (Scar). This week's though was just plain good.

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