Saturday, February 25, 2006

Photo Shoot

The kids gave us a break this morning and slept in until around 10. I think it was a combination of completely tiring them out running around last night at Robert and Gretchen's combined with not going to bed until after 10 PM. I don't want to dwell too much on the why, just thankful that they slept in that long.

We didn't do a lot today. Partly because it looks like Quinn isn't feeling too great (he seemed to be running a mild fever). I watched the kids while Ginger ran to the store for some essential groceries we needed. While she was out she also went to the bookstore for a new cutting book (so now Quinn has his own).

I tried getting some pictures of the kids together. It seems impossible to get a decent shot with both of them looking good. I think I can crop some shots and get really nice ones of them individually, but combined I only got a couple where they both look halfway decent.

This last one I included not because I think it's a good picture of both of them together, but for some reason it makes me think it's for an ad. Maybe for Axe Body Spray or something. It's got the whole "guy appearing to be aloof while female seems to be throwing herself at him" vibe going (which now that I write it sounds incredibly disturbing that I see that since they're both my kids, but I digress).

Ginger made a delicious dinner. It was the popovers and the soup she had made before, but this time it had peas too. In addition she baked cookies for dessert (Quinn got to choose what type of cookie she made and he picked Chocolate Chip).

I had one of the most special moments I've ever had with Catherine tonight (which in retrospect sounds really bad after the above comments, but I'm going ahead with this anyway). After the kids had been put to bed, they were both being pretty needy calling us into their rooms constantly. Quinn was probably doing it because he's not feeling too well, but with Catherine we didn't really know what was up. So when she called out for Ginger one too many times, I went in and laid down beside her bed so she would know she wasn't alone. I think the reason she was being so needy was because of the wind. It was extremely windy here tonight and for whatever reason the wind was just hitting the right spots on her windows to make a ton of noise. Anyway, I put my hand on her bed and she reached over and grabbed it with both hands and just held it for the longest time. Then she took a blanket from the bottom of her bed and gave it to me and laid her head down on my hand as she started to go to sleep. While this may not sound like anything really special, Catherine has always drifted towards her Mom when she needs comforting, so it was nice to know she likes having me around sometimes.

After I was done there, I came down stairs and watched some "Daily Shows" and "Colbert Reports" as I killed time until "Justice League Unlimited" came on. I didn't think this week's was as good as last week's. It was still better than probably 95% of what's on television normally, it's just last week's episode was really well done. The neat thing about tonight's episode was that they used one of Grant Morrison's revamped characters as the bad guy (The General, which to be honest, in the animated version seemed to be a take off on the Hulk, but with intellect still intact).

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