Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day

The kids at school were assigned not so secret valentines. So each of them helped make a Valentine card last night for one of their classmates. Catherine is still sick though, so she didn't get to deliver hers personally and Quinn had to take both Valentines to school with him. I stayed at home with Catherine while Ginger took Quinn to school. You can see Catherine is a little run down, but that didn't stop her from dressing and undressing her new groovy girl about 7 times before Ginger got back. It was "She needs to put her coat on", "She wants to take her shirt off", "You need to help put her pants on", and "She needs her coat" over and over. She loves her groovy girls.

I heard from Ginger that the kids went to Wendy's today for a special Valentine's day lunch. And they apparently have Curious George toys in their kid meals.

It's been in the 40s here, so the snow is slowing starting to melt. One of the snowmen in our snowman army is further out in front of the house than the others and therefore gets more sun. Not sure how it's still standing up at this point.

I had wanted to leave work early (but it didn't happen). I needed to stop by Hallmark on the way home (take a guess why) and I had to stop and pick up Quinn's other prescription at CVS. There was a different lady there tonight, and she seemed much more competent. Although they were suppose to have the prescription ready by three and I still had to wait 15 minutes for them to prepare it at 6:30. Not too long after I got home Catherine threw up. It was odd. There was no notice. Nothing like "My tummy hurts" or anything. Ginger and I were in the kitchen and Catherine just suddenly said "I need to change my shirt." Neither us understood why she would be saying that until we went over to see her, then it was like the keystone cops as we ran around trying to clean up. After that Ginger read some books to Catherine and I helped with dinner (which basically consisted of me constantly asking Ginger what I'm suppose to do next).

The kids watched the Charlie Brown Valentine's Day special during dinner. They had gotten the book version of the story in the mail a couple days ago from Grammy and Pop Pop and it's already one of their favorites. Everyone really liked it when Charlie Brown got into the mailbox.

Not too long after that John came by for a visit. He's been in town for a bit and tonight is his last night here. He took Airborne before he came over, we'll see if that actually prevents him from getting anything (John, if you get sick, I apologize in advance). The kids really seemed to enjoy playing with him. And after a rousing game of football they even had him play "Nascar" and "Mario Kart".

Once the kids were in bed we got to chat with John for a bit before he had to head back to his hotel. After John took off, Ginger decided she could stay up a little late tonight if it meant being able to watch "Gilmore Girls." John had pointed out we neglected to have our usual TV update last night, so for those that care last night it was Ginger watching some "Project Runway" and then we both watched "Courting Alex."

1 comment:

BullBunky said...

Yes, I would appear to be germ free today!! Airborne + my natural hearty stock is prevailing.