Monday, January 30, 2006

Start Your Engines!

I stayed up way too late working on editing that video last night. But I got it done, and it's up on google's site now waiting to be 'verified'. Barry says he's had a video up for 8 days now that still hasn't made it through the verification process, so it might be a while before anyone else gets to see the video. And at 23 megs, I suspect only those with broadband are going to see it anyway, although Google may have some compression mojo that they implement when they turn it into a flash movie. I screened the movie for Ginger and Quinn. So far no one likes it except me. So basically all that time and I'm not going to get an emmy. Ginger's comments were "It flashes too much." And Quinn's comments were "I can't hear what I'm saying" (I foolishly added a soundtrack and removed the audio component that was with the video that had Catherine screaming "Give it to me" over and over at the top of her lungs). So Quinn liked the unedited version better as far as I could tell. Doesn't matter. I don't need anyone else's validation. I did it for the art.

I heard at dinner that the kids played outside today. It was in the low 60s today, so apparently they rode their bikes over to the park (that was really all I was able to ascertain from the conversation). Catherine tried to tell me something about it being the park near the pool, but I've never been to that one so I had a hard time following what she was saying.

Quinn has created a new game to play inside the house. It's called "Nascar." You pretend to be a car (you have to pick one of numbers from a car) and you run around the dining room table and race. It's a variation of the "Mario Kart" and "Super Monkey Ball" game he plays (both of which also consist of just running around the dining room table). Not sure what's going with the shirt grabbing.

Oh yea, I got these IMs from KennyG (the Dogfather, that just cracks me up) today about Catherine's drawings (the drawings are from the end of the previous post).

[17:18:05] my psychoanalysis of catherine's drawings
[17:18:39] Mom represents more verbal communication to her
[17:18:57] yours holds some interest
[17:19:03] b/c you actually have limbs
[17:19:04] ears
[17:19:09] you listen to her more
[17:19:27] she sees you as calmer
[17:19:44] and more of the "action" parent
[17:20:05] you are not allowed to take my statements without permission

Oops, sorry Ken, didn't see that last line there till I had already posted them.

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