Sunday, January 15, 2006

Christmas Isn't Over Yet

I got up with the kids this morning (Ginger prodded me telling me Catherine was up). I found her pantless in her room from where she had woken up, gone into the bathroom, removed her diaper and used the bathroom, but didn't really feel like putting pants back on and had returned to her room. After procuring some pants, we headed downstairs and I fixed her an omelet, orange juice, and "Chicken Little" cereal (which is really Rice Crispies, but when we bought it the first time they were doing a tie in with the Chicken Little movie, so from then on it's been "Chicken Little" cereal). Quinn got up a bit later and didn't want to eat anything at all, but rather just wanted to play. Catherine claimed she wanted pancakes too, but once I made them she was too busy playing with Quinn to come eat any. After Ginger got up we all started getting ready for church. I heard that while I was getting ready, Quinn ate all the pancakes that I had made and didn't let Catherine have any of them. I later saw on Quinn's camera that he had taken multiple pictures of the pancakes before eating them.

Nothing special happened at church, except that while we were there Ginger realized that she didn't have the epipen with her (see yesterday's post where I took it when I was watching the kids at the mall without her, what I forgot to do was return it to it's correct place within her purse). So I had to drive back home and get it. I managed to get back halfway through the sermon.

After church we came home and had a quick lunch. Cheese sandwiches for Catherine and Ginger made by your's truly. I also made a quesadilla that Catherine and I shared, and for just myself I made a tuna fish sandwich. Ginger made Quinn some soy nut butter crackers.

Just about the time lunch was finishing up, we got visitors. My Dad, his wife Martha and my grandmother MaeBelle. They brought up a ton of Christmas gifts for the kids and us. Quinn had a blast showing everyone around the house and explaining all the various things. Quinn and my Dad played 'soccer' upstairs in the hall, and later I think they built roads and played cars. Catherine got two gifts that she immediately fell in love with, a Cinderella castle (with a Cinderella and Prince Charming doll) and a home ballet set with a bar and floor mat and video. Quinn's favorite gift appears to be a Connect Four game. Although he's still learning the basics of the game (such as for him the game doesn't end when someone gets four in a row, and he doesn't care if you get four in a row as long as he gets four in a row at some point also). I tried to snap some picks of the kids with Great Grandma Fitzgerald and the rest of the folks. I've decided it's difficult to get a good shot with both kids in the picture and multiple other individuals. One kid / one adult and you might eventually get a decent shot. Any more, and it's a crap shoot. These are some of the better shots.

After everyone left, the kids went and took their nap. Maybe it was just me, but it felt like they napped for a pretty good while. When Quinn got up, he immediately wanted to play Connect Four some more. I went and checked on Cinderella and Price Charming, and it turns out they were in a somewhat compromising position. Not sure what the prince is thinking since he's still fully clothed. And what's up with those sparkly pants? Once Catherine woke up, Ginger suggested I go pick up dinner from KFC (she's had a headache for the last 5 days, so her fixing dinner was out, and I had used all my mojo at lunch). I took Quinn with me and we accomplished our mission and brought home the food. The kids stayed up a lot later than I thought they should (it was around nine thirty when they started making their way upstairs to get ready for bed), but then Ginger reminded me that tomorrow is a holiday
for a lot of people, so no school for the little guys.

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