Free is Good
I didn't get anything for free today, but a friend reminded me how much I like that saying, so up it goes. My Mom (Nana) is up this weekend, so that means I get to sleep in on Saturday. After a minor "Quinn is calling out for you" wake-up setback at 7:45, I managed to work through that and get back to sleep around 8:30 or so and persevered until 10 or 10:30. I don't remember the exact time.
Ginger got up with Catherine around the 8:15 timeframe I believe. I'm not sure what the kids were doing before I got up, but I suspect it involved the television, simply because I don't recall hearing them (and they can be noisy little buggers when they're playing). Anyway, eventually I was up and about and Ginger and the kids were removing ornaments from one of the Christmas trees.
Ginger had scheduled a handy-dude to come by the house to give us an estimate on replacing the dry wall (and no, I don't plan on doing it myself, I think my track record so far pretty much proves that I shouldn't). In addition to the dry wall we're going to have them refinish the deck, and check out the wall in the basement. Who needs savings when you own a house anyway.
Quinn had a monster soy nut butter sandwhich for lunch. I mean the bread on this thing was huge. What shocked / surprised me though was that he actually ate half of it. With it being that big, I figured he would be lucky to get through maybe one fourth of it. But he kept at it and ate half. Ginger had this bright idea that for lunch I could go outside and freeze my butt off and grill hamburgers and hot dogs. For some reason (I'm going with I must not have been fully awake yet and didn't realize what was going on) I agreed to do it. She must have sensed my trepidation with doing it, because when I went out she locked me outside in the cold with no coat (after which I was wide awake). She "claims" it was an accident and didn't know I had gone out, but I know the truth. Hmmm, now that I think about it, I think I need to go outside and put the grill back under cover.
There'a lot of backstory for this next part, so bear with me (or skip to the next paragraph if you start reading and find yourself bored to tears). A couple years ago we gave my Mom a digital camera. Nothing really fancy, and it's only a couple megapixels. Oh, and one time when she was up here she had left it out on top of her car all night when it downpoured rain. But she really likes it (surprisingly it still worked after it was all dried out, I have to admit, I was shocked) and uses it all the time. So when my Mom was up for Thanksgiving she actually was one of those people that went out shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving. She went to Radio Shack and bought a digital camera for like $50. What she didn't know at that time was that we had already bought her a new digital camera. So I hinted that she probably shouldn't open it, because it probably wasn't all that great. Now for the other part of the stort, for Christmas we also gave Quinn a Oregon Scientific 1.3 megapixel camera. We did this because he really loves to take pictures, and we figured it was pretty cheap. Let me just say the camera we bought for him is a complete and utter piece of crap (in my opinion of course). I would not recommend this camera to anyone, ever, under any circumstances (unless Oregon decideds they want to pay a ton of cash for an endorement deal, then I'll be a complete sellout, but lacking endorsement deals the camera is terrible). It takes horrible pictures (not because the resolution is bad, but there's color banding issues in the pictures about 80% of the time). Words fail me at how bad this thing is.
So today I asked my Mom if she had returned the camera she got for $50 yet and she hadn't. So we took that and gave it to Quinn today after lunch and he loves it. Now don't get me wrong. It's not a great camera (it takes about 15 seconds to write a picture you take to memory). But it's got an LCD (which the Oregon one didn't), it can do movies (which the Organ one couldn't), it's 3 mega pixels (the Oregon was only 1.3) and it works (you can see where this is going). Anyway, he likes it a lot. He even took this picture of me with it (I just wish I looked better, I especially like the starting of the double chin I have going on there). The only problem now is we don't have a memory stick for it yet so he maxes it out pretty fast (takes a picture of the door knob to the basement, a picture of the stairs, his feet on the stairs, the wall going downstairs, the top of the stairs as seen from the bottom, it's like watching a "Where did Quinn Go" cam that only updates every 10 seconds).
After lunch while Quinn and Nana played downstairs Ginger, Catherine and I took down the decorations from the other tree and then I took down lights from both trees. Not too long after that the kids went to take their naps. I managed to watch Battlestar Galactica while Quinn was napping. I started watching Atlantis but only got partway through it before Quinn got up. I won't comment on either show in case people haven't had a chance to watch them yet. After Quinn got up, he played with Play-Doh for a while, then moved on to play with other stuff downstairs. So that when Catherine eventually woke up and saw the Play-Doh, she played with that for a bit herself. She made this huge multicolored snowman. It just kills me when the kids play and mix up the colors of the Play-Doh, but I'm trying to get past that.
Since my Mom is up, Ginger and I went out for dinner, although we didn't actually leave for dinner till close to 10 since Catherine hadn't been up that long and needed to adjust to the idea of us leaving. Once we got back, I finished watching Atlantis and then came down to post this. Tomorrow is Ginger's first official day handling the toddlers class at church. She's looking forward to it.
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