Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Grammy Arrives

We had some snow flurries this morning. Nothing in the way of actual accumulation though. I kind of figured we would be having flurries soon since as I was driving back from PA last night there was about an hour where it was snowing. In theory, I should have slowed down some, but I was trying to get home by nine so I could see the kids before they fell asleep, so I was stupid and was driving faster than I should have been. I did start driving at more reasonable speeds about halfway home. That's because I left the interstate to get some gas and there was a tractor trailer that had turned over at the interstate entrance (looked like some fluid was leaking from it too, but that didn't stop me from driving past it to get back on the road to try and get home).

Ginger's Mom came up today. So the kids have been vying for her attention. I came home for lunch to see everyone, but they were out at lunch (I had forgotten that when Ginger's Mom is up, they almost always eat out). And I've officially given up on the project of finishing screening the gazebo. Turns out the guys that have been doing things around the house offered to finish it off. I initially told them that at this point it was a matter of pride and I just wanted to finish so I could say I did it, then they lowered their estimate to complete it by $200. For $200 savings I can buy pride.

Barry pointed me to new Video service being offered by Google. I've been experimenting some with that. I'm amazed by how much cool stuff Google is managing to put out. I didn't think they could top themselves after they put out Google Maps. Anyway, I just took the most recent easily accessible movie I had to try it out (it's from my Mom's camera, I think this is from last Saturday). Catherine isn't in the video itself, but I believe you can hear her in the background.

Tennis Video

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