Sunday, September 09, 2007

And Lo, Quinn Shall Return

Ginger went and got Quinn this afternoon. While she was gone Catherine and I hung out and played more Girly Stuff ™. Today wasn't quite as girly though since we played with the Play Mobile toys (specifically the construction and hospital items). This caused quite the meltdown from Quinn once he got home around six and saw that all his construction Play Mobile toys had been rearranged. I'm going to attribute that to the fact that he appears to be completely exhausted and running on fumes at this point.

Quinn's loose tooth is still there and looks to be even looser. When he pushes it with his tongue I swear it tilts forwards by about 20 to 30 degrees. And yet he goes ballistic if we try to reach in to pull it out. Even when we tried to assure him we were just going to see how loose it was he still didn't really sit still when we tried to touch it. He keeps claiming it hurts, but I'm not sure if it hurts versus just feels weird (although it did start bleeding during dinner when he bit it one time). It's strange since it's his front bottom tooth, since everything I've read implied he would be loosing the top ones first. It's definitely bothering him when he eats. And because I was joking with him at one point and told him not to walk with his head back because it might just fall out and go down his throat, now he's walking around the house bent over looking at the ground. Hopefully he'll forget about that by tomorrow morning and walk normally.

And remember that weather strip I needed to replace. Barry left this comment about that today:
I hope you take the old weather strip to Home Depot, when you get its replacement.

If only I had read that before going to Home Depot. Needless to say I did not get a weather strip for the door since there must be about 50 different type and sizes of the one I wanted. Live and learn, or alternatively go later and read your comments before going. Guess I'll be going by Home Depot again sometime later this week.

On other thing I wanted to comment on. When Ben and I went to see Superbad, as we were watching the credits we saw a group of people leaving, two adults and three kids. One of the kids looked to be about three and was asleep, the other two were between four and six would be my guess. Now as I said yesterday, Superbad has a lot of what I would call children inappropriate language. The F-bomb is dropped pretty regularly and there are a lot of situations and things that in my mind just aren't appropriate for kids to be watching (yes, one could argue then why am I rotting my own brain watching it, but I am an adult and in theory can differentiate between the situations and language in the film and real life (I said in theory)). I just can't imagine taking any kid that young to that type of movie.

1 comment:

gaz said...

they're gonna start thinking you fancy the girl behind the counter at home depot!
don't even get me started on some people's distinct lack of common sense and responsibility in their parenting skills. honestly, they wonder why their kids turn out the way they do. although in a perfect society, the cinema complex wouldn't have allowed the parents to take the kids in to see this movie in the first place. but that's another subject.
as for the tooth thing. our dentist told our boys two things: 1) just keep rocking it back and forth with their tongue and it would soon come out. and 2) eat sandwiches! biting into the soft bread doesn't hurt but the whole chewing action really helps to wiggle it out. i'm not sure where he studied dentistry but it's been good advice. they don't pull loose teeth in the uk any more.
i look forward to the next installment of the weather strip saga.