So I watched Collateral. I've not going to say anything at all about the plot points so as not to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen it. I'm having a hard time categorizing the genre, I think I'll say it's action / drama. As for actors it has Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx in it. And right off the bat I'll say this, it's hard to watch a movie with Tom Cruise in it these days without his personal life / craziness affecting the way you view his character in a movie. The good news though, it totally works in this movie. Tom's playing a character a little left of center so because of how crazy he is in real life, his character is totally believable in the movie. And Foxx, man, Foxx plays his role so well you totally believe him in it. He really comes across as an average Joe. You can tell from watching this that Foxx has some serious acting chops. The cinematography is excellent throughout the movie with some fantastic night shots from above the city. I think one of the things I kind of liked about the movie was not everything in it drives the plot. There are moments where people are simply talking, and maybe there's some deeper meaning or subtext I was suppose to pick up, but sometimes it just seemed like a real conversation people in that situation would have. And the fact that there's this real dialog in it made everything seem more believable since it wasn't just characters spouting facts for the purpose of exposition. I really think part of why I liked it so much was I went in with really low expectations, and the movie in turn really delivers.
We liked the movie, too.
good movie. We saw it while ago, kinda just when the crazy Cruise attention was at a peak. I remember thinking that even if he's nuts, he's still a very good actor.
Foxx was excellent as well.
Mother in law's review (usually pretty accurate) of his new movie, Kingdom, is extremely positive.
that's freaky. i've just finished posting about this movie - ali and i watched it last night!!!
that brings the amount of times i've watched it to five.
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