Monday, September 24, 2007

Heroes Premiere

Woo hoo! Tonight Heroes returns to the airwaves with the start of season two. I won't mention anything about tonight's episode since I don't want to spoil anything for anyone that might not have finished watching season one yet (you know who you are). And even more importantly, I didn't actually watch it. You see, John was in town and came over for a quick visit tonight. I didn't know he was going to be in town since he didn't bother mentioning it to me until 8 PM tonight. So once we found out he was in town we invited him over. He said he was in the mood for a comedy, so we watched the premiere of How I Met Your Mother which he had never seen before (shame on him, it's one of the few really good comedies left on TV these days). I think he liked it, but based on his comments about how little TV he actually watches these days (except for a nightly guilty pleasure) I got the impression that even though he found it amusing it wasn't going to make the list of shows he would be watching in the future. We started watching Heroes, but since he's never seen any of season one, it didn't seem fair to force him to watch it without knowing what was going on with the characters.

This week seems to be the floodgate of television premieres. My plan to watch the first episode or so of a couple of the new shows to see if they have any chance of garnering my interest. Last week's Back To You with Kelsey Grammar turned out to be much better than I would have guessed considering it's a sitcom on FOX, so for at least a week or two that one will maintain a season pass on the TiVo. We watched about 10 minutes of Chuck tonight also. Considering the show is an hour long and we watched an hour, I think that says it all. I may go back and finish watching that first episode at some point to see if it becomes salvageable at all, but it didn't look good from that first 10 minutes.

So instead I forced him to try out the Wii. He tried bowling and baseball. He just barely broke 100 on bowling finishing with 103 only because he managed to get a strike in the 10th frame. And in baseball he managed to hold off the computer playing at the worst skill level to finish with a tie game (could have been worse, he could have lost). It's a shame too, because he started out with a couple people on base in the first inning but then left them stranded there.

The image up top was one of the ones I got when I was wondering around the school while Quinn was in his tennis lesson this past weekend.


gaz said...

james, dude, you watch some tv man!

JamesF said...

You don't know the half of it. I should post my TiVo season pass at some point. It does get hectic right at the start of the TV season though, because that's when you have to briefly add some new shows that might have a shot at making the list.

I remember about five years ago when I went through and added up all the time I watch a week and it was something insane like 20+ hours a week. Which got a lot harder to maintain once we had the kids since we don't really let them watch television that much and we tightly control what they do get to watch (a lot of the shows I used to watch back then are off the air now though).

Curt Sawyer said...

Hour a day...I watch an hour a day...

Vincent said...

I'm going to be very put out if I can't figure out a way to watch BSG on my Mac this year.

We don't subscribe to cable or satellite TV, and NBC/Universal (jerks) have dropped iTunes!