Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Please Back Away From The Tape

Despite what it looks like, our house was not a crime scene today. However, we did get the driveway sealed. It didn't end up as nicely as I was hoping it would. First they said they couldn't repair the dip near the end without tearing up the entire driveway and laying down a new base. So that was out. Plus all the areas that had cracks didn't really get sealed so much as some liquid stuff got poured into the cracks. All the cracks are still there, just not quite as exposed as they were. Maybe that's what is suppose to happen when you seal a driveway though. No driving on it until later tomorrow though, so we're parking on the street tonight. And until then we have the nice tape barricade.

For the past two days we've had Quinn using the nebulizer. The good news I suppose is that this was the first time this season that he's had to use it, whereas I recall last year he was using it just about the entire spring season. We were hoping he would be able to make it through the season without having to use it, but the past couple of days his breathing has been so labored and heavy that we simply felt he had to start using it. The doctor's have given us the option of shots to reduce the allergies, but the treatment is literally to get shots for five years, once a week initially and gradually spreading out the shots over time. And there's not absolute guarantee that the process will remove the allergies. I just can't bring my self to subject him to that for that long right now. So I'm hoping he simply outgrows the allergy at the moment. And I figure later when he's older, if he still has it as bad as he does now, he can make the decision for himself.

And I'm sure most people might have seen this already today, but this is just too cool not to share again. They've released an image of Iron Man from the upcoming Iron Man movie (starring Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark). This has to be one of the most faithful adaptations of a comic book character to the big screen that I've seen. Don't believe me, check that image against the current Iron Man series covers. It could be because Iron Man is suppose to be in armor, so that's why it works so well. In fact the armored look is probably the only way you could pull off the brightly colored red and yellow look. Whereas most other Superheroes are typically running around in spandex and let's face it, brightly colored spandex, while it looks good (arguably) on the printed comic pages, just doesn't translate well onto the big screen at all. Plus, it just makes good business sense to make an Iron Man movie if for no other reason that the toy tie-ins alone. Iron Man has over 30 different versions of his armor. That's a ton of potential toys. All this news has me pretty stoked about the upcoming Iron Man film. To be honest, when I first heard about it, I dismissed it. The first thing I thought of was it was simply going to be another Hulk / Daredevil / Elektra / Fantastic Four / Ghost Rider movie. Which is to say I thought it was going to be all eye candy and that was it. Now don't get me wrong, that still may end up being the case, but seeing as how they're trying to keep the story pretty close to the source material, I have to admit my interest has been raised.

And finally a shot of the bushes out front that have just started to bloom. Based on the amount of green I see in the middle of the flowers it seems like there's a lot of pollen there.


gaz said...

oh mate, he looks pretty fed up does quinn. it's not easy is it to make these kind of decisions but i think i'd have gone the same route as you on that treatment.
all three of our boys have blocked/runny noses at the moment - i'm blaming the season for that too.

Barry said...

We're starting Reuben on the shots next week. He's been taking 3 different antihistamines together to keep his allergies in check and for me I'd rather start getting him off the drugs the sooner the better. Though he won't be off the drugs completely for likely several years, if the treatments are successful.
Supposedly, after a year of the shots he will start to see some benefit and thus a reduction in the meds.