Saturday, May 19, 2007

'Honey Do' List Day

Catherine apparently got some new pajamas that I hadn't seen. I don't know why, but I thought they were really cute and funny (and more than a tad appropriate).

After I finally got up and wasted most of the morning, we went out to eat at Ledo's Pizza (we had mozzarella sticks as an appetizer in case you couldn't tell). None of us kids were on our best behavior though (yes, I'm including myself in that grouping), so I don't know that Ginger will ever want to go back there with us again.

I spent most of the afternoon working off things on my ever growing list of things to do around the house while Ginger and the kids played (pretty sure they got the better end of the deal). The pipe under the sink still has a very minor leak from where I replaced the faucet earlier, so I tried to fix that up. I accidentally turned the screw the wrong way initially and water started going everywhere (eek). Don't know if I fixed the leak though, or made it worse. I'll look in on it again tomorrow to try and make that call. Then I finished marking the final wall in the dining room for that two tone painting that Ginger is doing. And then finally I spent a significant amount of time out back clearing some weeds from the hill.

It's a shame the kids didn't get outside more today since it was a really nice day. Quinn and I went on a 'walk' for about fifteen minutes before dinner (technically dinner had officially started by the time we got home, so the walk might have been fifteen minutes, but it was probably only five or ten before dinner when we started). I think Quinn was just looking for an excuse to ride his new scooter some. We made a quick trip down the street to the rain basin and then headed back home.

I came across these two guys while I was out clearing brush from the backyard. Now I don't know about anyone else, but I always think it's really cool to find wildlife in nature versus seeing it behind some glass or cage at a zoo or something. That's not to say the zoo has no place. I should qualify that I have zero interest in finding a tiger or bear in my backyard, but coming across toads and turtles and various small forms of wildlife is pretty cool (at least I think so).

And since I'm turning this into the nature channel evidently, no reason not to post this picture also. This was growing wild down at the rain basin. I don't much care for the fact that the shot is a straight on shot, but that's the only shot in which the pattern in the middle was visible (and I liked the pattern a lot).


Curt Sawyer said...

If you see a white rabbit with big pointy teeth surrounded by a bunch of

Buddy Tignor said...

The toad picture is cool!