Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mmmm, Cookie Mix...

Ginger says: "I took some pictures of the kids today." They're pictures of the kids after they helped make some chocolate chocolate chocolate chip cookies and had engaged in some liberal taste testing. Seriously, when I tried one of the cookies once I got home my head almost exploded from the sheer amount of sugar that I spontaneously ingested when I took a bite.

Later Ginger tells me over Gtalk "Btw, the kids made the cookies - I was just a helper. They measured everything, put the cookies on the tray and took them off." I suppose that goes a long way towards explaining the extreme amount of sugar in the cookies.

So I replied with "You want to do tonight's post then?"

To which she replied "Nope - going to bed."

So apparently she has enough time to write all the information to me over IM, but not enough time to write it into blogger. Got it. So tonight's post is basically written by Ginger, but posted via me as the proxy. Oh yea, tonight has one other contributor. The picture below is by Quinn. It's either a self portrait via a timer or one of his teachers took it. I gave him his camera to take into school today because they have baby chicken eggs that are suppose to be hatching soon. Apparently people thought they would be out today, but they only cracked some of their shells today. In the absence of being able to take pictures of the baby chicks, he took a picture of himself using the movable alphabet. I just wish he had turned the camera around so I could try and read what he 'wrote'.

Completely unrelated cool news, How I Met Your Mother has apparently earned a third season (I personally liked this season's finale and thought even if it wasn't picked up again, it would have been a good way to go out). So that's good news. Fans of Jericho though, not so much. Guess that's another 40 minutes of TV time I get to reclaim next season. Would have been nice had they not ended the series on such a cliffhanger though.

1 comment:

Curt Sawyer said...

How I Met Your Mother is an awesome, under-appreciated show. And it did seem like the finale was written so that if the series ended they would have some things wrapped up.

You were correct - it really could have ended with Monday's episode (but I'm glad there will be another season).